Chance encounter 3: the bar

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Joong was surprised when he saw Dunk at the bar catching up with Pond. It's been 2 weeks since he met Dunk and his brothers at Hua Hin. He went over to greet them. Dunk had informed Pond of his surprise when he learnt that Phi New had hired Joong to endorse their latest product.

"I told you he is famous. Phi New would definitely snatch him up." Pond laughed.

"I'm surprised how famous Dunk is...CEO of Vespera" Joong innocently taking a jab at Dunk. He felt more comfortable teasing Dunk now after the trip to Hua Hin.

"Oh, it's just a start-up that I did with my seniors during my second year in uni." Dunk downplays his achievement.

"Dunk, your company is beyond the start up that it once was! It's a renown high end fashion line right now. Rightful so." Pond exclaimed. Joong nodded in agreement. The three of them fall into an easy conversation from then on. Joong took a photo of the three of them and asked if he could post it on his IG which the both of them agreed, not thinking too much of it.

Joong posted the picture on IG with the caption: what a coincidence, my uni roommate and his bestie. Destiny at work.

Dunk became the most searched person online since that post. Khaotung had informed Dunk that his photos were in demand, asking him if he would like to consider taking photos again on the side. Dunk was confused by this whole turn of event. He was even more confused when Phi Janhae had informed him that he would be on a variety web show called Armshare along with Joong. Phi New and Phi Janhae throw their best puppy eyes at him saying that it would boost the sales of their newly launched perfume. Dunk had reluctantly accepted.  


A/N: Coulnd't find a nice pic of the three of them. Dunk's birthday pic really doesn't fit the theme of this chapter. oh well. Is Joong on the move? 🤭🤭 

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