A JoongDunk series?

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The JoongDunk fandom couldn't get enough of them. A new speculation appeared when a picture of Phi Tha and Dunk talking at a dinner table circulated around the web. They speculated that they were discussing about having a new series for JoongDunk.

The rumour was quickly dispersed when Phi Janhae posted a series of picture of the business event that both Phi Tha and Dunk had attended. But the idea had taken root. The fans were appealing to GMMTV for a JoongDunk series. Phi Janhae loved the idea since she was part of the fandom as well.

Her first approach was to convince Phi New. Later on, they had dragged a reluctant Phi First to meet Phi Khaotung and Paaw Jack to discuss the possibility. The most important part of the plan now was to convince Dunk.

"You want me to what?! Por leow, por leow (enough, enough). From photography to appearing on talk shows, we're moving to acting now? What makes you think I can act? I had only done 1 play in uni!" It was a lost cause to begin with when Phi Janhae, Phi New and Phi Khaotung team up to convince him. He had hoped that going for the private casting will be enough to appease them. If he failed, he wouldn't have to follow through.

The next thing he knew he was on stage at the GMMTV Up and Above along with the cast of the new series he is in. The crowd was roaring when their trailer was up.

"ohoo~~The Gods have listened to our prayers! I'm loving the trailer. Khun Dunk, how do you feel about being here for the first time?" Phi Pompam said excitedly.

"wadi, wadi. It's such an honor be here. dten ten maak loiie (I'm so excited). I've not been in a hall with this many people." He put a hand to his chest as he spoke. Joong gives him a side hug to support him.

"The last time we spoke it was still about photography, how did we go from that to this?" Phi Leo asked.

"Oooh, by the demands of the JoongDunk fans. I've agreed to do this just once. Only once. Khoor tord na khup (sorry). I would still like to focus my work on Vespera." Dunk wai-ed

"we'll take what we can get. Nong Jong how does it feel like to act along Khun Dunk?" Phi Pompam asked

"Dunk geng maak! It was surprisingly easy to work with him. He can definitely consider being a full-time actor if he wants to. I'm looking forward to working with him in this series- we have action, drama, and romance. Definitely looking forward to it." They wai-ed as they got off stage. The fans were quick to notice that Joong was holding Dunk's hand as they rushed off the stage for the next trailer to air.

The excitement continued for the JoongDunk fandom as the anticipation build.      


A/N: 🤣🤣How could we not have a JoongDunk series? I hope I was able to convey the excitement that I imagine. Still wondering when Up and Above part 2 is coming out. 

I'm putting these 2 chapters out earlier than usual since my schedule is a bit off today. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

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