Meeting the Aydins

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It wasn't intentional when Dunk met Joong's family. Joong was on video call with his mom when Dunk walked across the room. His mother's keen eyes had spotted him. She can't help but be curious about this Dunk that her son had been gushing about since he met him.

Joong had ran over to Dunk and introduced his mom to him. Dunk was shocked initially but had politely greeted her.

"Sawadii khup, khun mae. Sabaidi mai (hi auntie, how are you) ?" Dunk wai-ed. They fall into an easy conversation. His down to earth personality shining through, winning Joong's mom over. His ever-curious siblings hopped on the call, asking Dunk 101 question that he answered patiently. How it turned into an impromptu math tutoring session was beyond Joong. Dunk had passed his contact to his mom on the occasion that they needed further tutoring session.

"I like him, Joong. You better take good care of him. If not, I'll be introducing him to your cousins." His mom teased before ending the call. He should have known that Dunk would get an easy approval from his mom. There's nothing about him that is not worth liking. Though he may be bias at best. He beamed at Dunk's retreating back.

Family checked. 


A/N: Time for Dunk to get to know Joong better.🤭🤭 Dunk gets a glimpse of Joong's family, what do you think? 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

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