Interlude: Memories of our first crush

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"Dunk.... Chuuay noi na, na na na...(Dunk, please help)" Phi Tay pleaded with his best puppy eyes.

"gu mei bpen (I'm not good at it)" Dunk was hoping to get his way out of it.

"you're just taking on a supporting role. Just acting the brother of main actor. Be the photographer that you are and say a few lines to say. It's easy. Chuuay noi na" Phi Tay is his senior at the photography club and they have been good friends since they first met. But he does not know how he got dragged into this drama that wasn't even held in his faculty. Phi New, Dunk's senior from his faculty, with every intention of supporting his boyfriend had pleaded along with him. Dunk knew he was outmatched.

"ah, gor dai, gor dai. (okay, okay)" They cheered when Dunk finally relented. Dunk was shocked to know that the few lines that Phi Tay promised was more than a few lines. He sighed. This is going to be a long week. Make that two or a month. Dunk really had no idea how long the preparation takes till the actual day.


"Hurry, Joong!" Daou urged Joong as they rushed to see the faculty play practice.

"It's just a practice Daou! What's the rush?" Joong was confused by his friend's behaviour.

"Offroad will have my head if he thinks I wasn't there." They sneaked in quietly to the hall as the practice had already started.

Joong couldn't help but be entranced by the actor that was currently rehearsing his lines. He was so deep in his character. Something about him spoke to him. Was it his looks, his eyes or his lips? Or was it that low timber voice? He can't tell.

"What do you think?" Daou was beaming as he sees his faen rehearsing his lines.

"Narak (cute)." Daou was taken aback by his comment. He was about to beat the shit out of Joong until he realized he was actually looking at another actor.

"meung chaawp loh (you like him)?" Daou couldn't help but ask as he tried to understand what Joong saw in that actor.

"chaawp maak (a lot)." Joong's eyes widen when he realized what he just confessed. Daou was snickering by then.

When the practice ended, that actor had apologized saying that he needed to rush off for class. He brushed past Joong as he left the hall. Joong's heart was thumping. His arm felt a little hot, he could still feel the sensation of him brushing by. He couldn't help but wondering how he can actually get to know him.


Dunk was waiting at the café at Phi Tay's faculty. He had something he wanted to discuss but he was running late again as usual. Dunk decided to take pictures of the view around the café. Just as he was about to check through his photos, he saw this guy sitting at the sofa area, deep in his thoughts. He doesn't know why, there was something about him that captured his attention. Was it his boyish look? Perhaps it was as if he was trying to crack the world largest secret. He would gladly help him solve it if he would share. He raised his camera and takes a picture of him before he knew it.

"Aeb chaawp kao loh (Do you have a crush on him)?" Phi Tay's voice startled Dunk as he was checking through his photos.

"Jak bah loh (are you crazy?). Just practicing my skills while waiting for you." Dunk had blushed when he replied. Phi Tay had teased Dunk relentlessly for the rest of the day.


Joong joined Daou whenever he goes to see Offroad at the practice. He would secretly observe Dunk as he practiced in the play. Joong had admired how good of an actor his was but he still hasn't built up the courage to speak to him.

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