Pt 1: Capturing the moment

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"Mai dtong! Mai dtong!(You don't have to)" Dunk shouted as Joong carried him to the garden, placing him gently on the bench. Dunk's face had blushed in a hue of pink. He really wasn't used to this side of Joong. He took in the view as he left that thought aside. It was as beautiful as he remembered. It seems that Pond had people come by to maintain it.

This place, this house was Pond's and his favourite place as a child. Pond's grandparents would spoil them when they were young and as an adult it was their favourite place to hide from the world whenever they needed it. Mainly Dunk, so much so that he has own room in the house. Pond's grandparents had passed away some years back, leaving the house to Pond in their will.

The garden was beautiful as it seemed endless, leading straight to the forest that was located behind it. It had always been calming to Dunk. It seemed that Joong felt the same. Joong felt in awe as he took in the view. Dunk couldn't help it. He started taking pictures of Joong, feeling the urge to capture the moment. Dunk had rarely felt compelled to take pictures of people before. His photography mainly features nature, scenic views of buildings and historic places, and occasionally animals that crossed his path. He felt that they had an untold story that people have yet to understand. Rarely had he felt the need to capture someone's story, a story that really spoke to him. He doesn't understand what story is he trying to capture within Joong, feeling confused himself but yet unable to stop himself as clicks.

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A/N: I know that the pictures are not consistent but that's the general vibe that Dunk is trying to capture. You catch the drift? 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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