Down to business

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Paaw Jack and Phi Khaotung had dropped by to look through the photographs that Dunk had taken. Both for their own purpose- one for Joong, the other was for Dunk's photography since Dunk did manage to take a few photos there weren't of Joong. Paaw Charn had dropped by to see how Dunk was doing when he was alerted that Dunk had come back earlier than usual. It was all impeccable timing because they had gotten down to business. Paaw Jack and Phi Khaotung discussed about collaboration and profit cut since he manages Dunk's photography part of business. Paaw Charn discussed about having a contract for future photography service rendered and appearance at any GMMTV events or be included in any future GMMTV projects. Phi Khaotung had volunteered to be Dunk's manager since he does have a few photographers who turned celebs under his wing. He is well verse with it. It would be easier for him to manage Dunk's schedule along with First.

"Dieow, dieow, dieow (wait a minute). What is this future appearance? Future projects? Why do I suddenly need a manager for it?" Dunk felt overwhelmed by the turn of event. It was not what he had initially planned. There seemed to be a lot more going on.

"We're just covering all our basis, Dunk. It's better than going through this for another 3-4 rounds." Paaw Charn had assured Dunk.

"Mai huang a, luuk (Don't worry, son). You are not obliged to do it. But it you were to agree to it, we won't have to go through this process again." Paaw Jack added on. Joong had squeezed Dunk's hand calming him.

"I'm liking all of these. I'll pass it to the relevant team to sort it through. Your fans are going to love it. Ohoo~~ I like this the best. Can I have this as well? This would definitely appeal to the JoongDunk fans out there" Dunk blushed the moment he saw the picture that they took. He had remembered to take out Phuwin's test shots but had somehow missed this. The three of them didn't miss the blush.

"Sure...If Joong agrees." Joong nodded.

"This book is definitely going to sell. I'm hoping that you will at least join 1 interview for the release, Khun Dunk." Paaw Jack looked at Dunk with expectation in his eyes.


"Phi Jack, let me arrange with First, Dunk's secretary. I'm sure we can make it happen." Taking on his role as Dunk's manager smoothly. Everyone was happy with how things are progressing except Dunk who was feeling a little lost but he knew that Phi Khaotung and Paaw Charn will be able to guide him through this wave. He had stepped away from the meeting to answer a call.

"I'm going to cut the chase, what is your relationship with my adoptive son, Khun Joong?" Paaw Charn asked. Phi Khaotung and Paaw Jack looks on, curious as well.

"I'm courting him." His answer loud and clear at the table.

"Kuey gan loh (talking stage)?" Phi Khaotung asked. Joong nodded. Paaw Jack gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"I've been told you are good for him but I'll be watching. Between my husband and I, you better wish he never gets hurt." His words not matching the smile he held in place. Joong can sense the danger lurking beneath that smile.

 Joong can sense the danger lurking beneath that smile

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"I will never hurt him" Joong said with conviction.

Never in a million year would he ever want to hurt Dunk. 


A/N: Dunk is immersing into Joong's world. 🤭🤭What do you all make of Charn? I miss LOA. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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