Chaos at Vespera

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Phi First hopped into the car without giving Dunk a change to fully stop the car. He instructed Dunk to use a more secluded entrance to the office.

"What's going on, Phi  First?" Dunk feeling confused by the route.

"You'll find out when we get to the office. We'll also be having an emergency meeting with the marketing and security team."Phi First informed Dunk.

A group of security personnel greeted them at the back entrance, leading them up to the office. Phi New, Phi Janhae and Paaw Tinn were sitting at the discussion table located in his office.

"I'm starting to get worried now that Paaw Tinn is here." That was the first thing that came out of Dunk's mouth as he walks over to them, passing his phone to First.

"Let's start with the good news first."  Phi Janhae laughed nervously.

"Destiny is sold out and is demand. We even have a few foreign companies interested in carrying the product." Phi New put on his best smile.

"And why do I need to use the back entrance with security detail?" Dunk look at them with slanted eyes. Paaw Tinn showed him the footage of the receptionist area with a throng of people crowding the entrance of the office.

"It's getting under control now. They are slowly dispersing. They have left a lot of gifts for you." Paaw Tinn reported.

"Gifts?" Dunk getting more confused by the minute.

"The Armshare episode aired during the weekend. The BL fandom caught wind of it. They are shipping you with khun Joong. You are trending now!" Phi Janhae explained excitedly.

"Which is why your phone jammed up. Don't login to any social media account and your phone will be good." Phi First passed a new phone to Dunk.

"I shouldn't have done the Armshare episode." Dunk sighed.

"It's good, Dunk. Our sales are going up. Our revenue this year has more than doubled. We have an opening to penetrate foreign market" Phi New trying to convince Dunk.

"At what cost?! Are my brothers safe?" Dunk was worried and frustrated at this point. 

"Ja yen yen (calm down). They are safe. No one in their school knows that you are their brother except for Fourth and Mark. You know you can trust them." Paaw Tinn clasped Dunk's shoulder

"Khaotung will be picking them up later to avoid any incident." First adds on.

"Dunk, we've got this. This is a great opportunity. It's just unfamiliar territory. Janhae is well verse with this fandom. We'll get it sorted." Phi New said, while Phi Janhae nodded enthusiastically.

"I just want you have security detail with you at the mean time. I'll be arranging some for Phu and Gem if it puts you more at ease. They won't notice them. I promise." Paaw Tinn assured Dunk, the son he adopted all but in name. Dunk sighed, sending a quick text to Phuwin that his phone is functioning again.

"I would think that Khun Joong will be sorting things out once he catches wind of this." Phi First being the ever perspective one.

"I sure hope so." Dunk was prepared to drown himself in work to avoid the current issue. Phi New, Phi Janhae and Paaw Tinn had slowly shuffled out of his office. Dunk can't help but wonder how is this affecting Joong.

Had he crossed a line unknowingly?


A/N: I don't know why after I wrote that last sentence, Tilly Bird's song "Just being friendly." came to me. The one from MSP where they did the MV on? 

Things are getting interesting. 

I have no idea if the fandom would be this crazy in reality. But hey, this is fiction so I'm go with this 🤣🤣 what do you think? 

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