A sudden turn of event

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Joong and Dunk were on their last promotional tour for their album. Paaw Jack had told them that the marketing team decide to make an album out of the songs from their wedding concert. On their way out, Dunk had noticed something silver shining through the crowd that were seeing them off. Instinct kicked in as he pulls Joong, shielding him from what's to come. It was nothing like the movies. Sharp pain burned through his back and he instantly blacked out.


Joong was shocked when Dunk suddenly covers him. He heard three loud bangs, chaos in the crowd and security covering them. Dunk was quiet through it all. He called out to Dunk but he was unresponsive. He felt something wet on his hand and was shocked to see blood. Phi Sun, one of the security personnel immediately carries Dunk to the van with Joong running closely behind. They were covered by other security personnel to ensure their safety.

Phi Sun drove as fast as possible to the nearest hospital. Joong carried Dunk to the ER. The medical personnel rushed Dunk to the operation theatre. Joong slides down the wall as he waits. He called Pond. His voice trembling as he spoke. Ponds tried to calm him down, telling him that he and Phuwin will come as fast as they can. Gemini was the first to arrive as he was doing his first-year residency at the hospital. He signed the medical waiver form when the doctor requested for it. Joong wasn't able to sign it due to legality issue, their marriage wasn't recognized in the country as of yet. Dunk had sulked about this issue before, that their marriage is not legal in the eyes of the law but he didn't take it to heart. Now he understood why Dunk had been so bothered by it. His husband was dying but he has no say, no right to information. Tears unconsciously rolled down his face.

Pond and Phuwin rushed in minutes later with Fourth following close behind. They all hurdled together while waiting for news on Dunk. Pond comforted Phuwin, while Fourth comforted Gemini. The twins had never felt this lost. Their brother had been their pillar of strength since young. They never once entertained the thought of possibly losing him.

They rushed forward when the doctor walked out of the operation theatre bearing bad news that Dunk had fallen into coma after their attempt to revive him. He will be closely monitored in the ICU ward for the coming days. The ICU ward only allows 2 visitors at a time. Joong had asked Phuwin and Gemini to go ahead first, wanting to be the last to go in, hoping to spend more time with him. Joong was happy that Dunk was alive but the implication of a coma, of him never waking up hung in the air.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Hooiiee!! Alai niia?! what just happened... ermm.. shit happened?🤭🤭 Don't worry. we're on schedule so this series will ending most likely by the end of this week. 🤧🤧 Rao seng ya (I promise), it will be a satisfactory ending. time flies, I can't believe this is coming to an end. 

I can't help but say it once again, thank you so much for all your kind votes. I never expected this series to gain much traction. When I woke up and saw that this series had reached 1K votes, I was mind blowned.🤯🤯 Khoorp khun na kha. Khoorp khun maak maak loiiee! You guys really encourage me. Thank you so much!

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