Pt1: JoongDunk or PondDunk?

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Everything has changed but yet nothing has changed. Joong and Dunk were texting each other often, whenever they had free time on hand. Dunk would occasionally drop by the bar whenever Joong sings. They were caught having a meal together. Phi New, Phi Janhae, Paaw Jack and Phi Arm conveniently cropped out.

That had been a week ago. Dunk has been hunkering down at his office as they prepare to penetrate the foreign market. He looks up from his file and sees Phi First at his desk.

"Phi First, why don't you leave for the night? Wouldn't want Phi Khaotung to be worried about you." It was nearing 12am as he spoke.

"And I should be worrying about you?" Phi First raised his eyebrow.

"I'll be fine. I promise I'll come in later and get Pond to pick me up." Phi First texted Pond, not trusting Dunk to follow through. He had left then after. It wasn't until 5.45am that Dunk finally left the office. By the time he got back home, he decided to forgo sleep, seeing as it near the time for the twins to get ready for school. He freshened up and started preparing breakfast for the twins. Knocking on their door to remind them that it's time.

Gemini was used to waking up when Dunk calls the second round, so he was shocked when Phuwin was shaking him, all dressed up.

"Shiiaa!! why didn't Hia wake me?!" He rushed through his morning routine. Phuwin was confused as well. The next thing he saw was an unconscious Dunk on the floor of the dining room.

"Hia!!" He rushed over trying to get him to wake up. Pond had walked in at the right moment. When both of them had failed to wake him up. Pond had carried him into the car, preparing to get him to the hospital. The twins tagged along, worried about their brother.

Pond rushed into the ER with Dunk in his arms. The nurse had quickly led him to a bed. The doctor asking questions which Phuwin tried his best to answer. They really didn't have much to go on. It was only later on that the doctor informed them that it was probably due to lack of rest, low blood sugar due to inconsistent food intake and dehydration. They had him on a glucose drip and had informed them that they will check in on him again once he wakes up. He will be able to check out of the hospital if all his vitals were good by then. They breathed a sigh of relief.

Pond had insisted that the twins get their breakfast at the cafeteria while he stayed with Dunk. They followed his instruction reluctantly. He sat beside Dunk's bed, holding Dunk's hand to his forehead.

"Ai Dunk..." He sighed.


A/N: 🤭🤭ghostshipping PondDunk again. What do you think PondDunk ghostshippers? I can't believe the timing that I'm dropping this chapter. Right on the dot when there were some PondDunk content yesterday🤣🤣

JD fans, jai yen yen (calm down) na kha.. no hate 🥹🥹. It's still JoongDunk by the end of the day, rao seng ya (I promise). There's a reason we need this scene.

Thank you for all the votes and comments, it really motivate me to drive this series forward 🥰🥰

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