Pt 2: When the sun doesn't shine

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⚠️angst alert

It was challenging for Joong to see this side of Dunk. Dunk's signature smile and laughter no where in sight. Just a void in place.

It was only the second day that he saw a silver of emotion. He had carried Dunk to the tub for a bath, as he was wiping his arm, he saw tears roll down his face. He wipes it off with his thumb, putting his forehead against Dunk. "Mai bpen rai. Gu yu nii. Gu yu nii (It's okay, I'm here. I'm here). I'll always be by your side."

It was the third day when the nightmare started. Dunk was shaking violently in his sleep.

"Paaw! Mae! Don't leave us! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's all my fault" Dunk cried out.

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault, Dunk! It was an accident, an accident." Joong repeated as he hugs Dunk.

"Dunk nooi, mae (I'm tired, mom). Can you take me too?" Dunk sobs quietly.

"Mai dai (No) , Dunk! Don't leave us. There're so many people here that needs you. Think about Phu, Gem and Pond. They need you. I need you. Don't leave me. Please don't leave me." Joong sobs and hugs Dunk tighter. Dunk quiets down and falls deep asleep. Joong doesn't let go of Dunk that night. 

It was the fourth day that Dunk start regaining consciousness. Joong was in the shower when Dunk came around. He felt weak. He didn't even had the strength to sit up. Dunk felt curious as he lied in bed. He felt different this time round. He was familiar with lack of physical strength but it wasn't as bad as usual. He also didn't understand why he felt more rested than usual. He heard footsteps that were moving towards him and it shook him when he heard Joong's voice instead of Pond.

"How are you feeling Dunk? Do you need anything?" Joong felt relieved to see Dunk awake.

"Why are you here? Where's Pond? You shouldn't here. You shouldn't be seeing me like this. You shouldn't!" he tried to move away but failed miserably.

"Mai mi lai (it's okay), Dunk. It's okay. It's okay." He comforted Dunk as he hugs him.

"Why are you here? Tam mai a, Joong? Tam mai a?! (why Joong? Why?)" Dunk sobs.

"Rao gor puuean gan. Gu khao chai meung la wei. Gu khao chai meung. (we're friends. I understand you. I understand you)." He hugs Dunk and strokes his head. Dunk pushes him back weakly.

"No, there's a lot here. You won't go through this length for a normal friend, would you?"

"Because it's you, I'm willing to do it, Dunk." he said in all seriousness. 

"Tam mai a, Joong? Gu mei khao chai (why, Joong? I don't understand)." Dunk looks into Joong's eyes for an answer. He's confused by what he sees.


"Hai gu du lae meung , Dunk(let me take care of you) That's all I'm asking." Dunk was too stunned to speak, all he felt was the warmth that surrounded him as Joong envelops him.  


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A/N: the expression of the picture fits so here it is. 

Joong is inching closer! what do you think? 

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