Disaster adverted

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As Paaw Jack predicted, it was a disaster the day after. Someone had posted clips of what happened on social media- clips of the crowd, of Joong's look of anger while whispering heated words with Neo, of Joong supporting Dunk's pale form out of the room were circulating around. While JoongDunk fandom loved how protective Joong was of Dunk, they felt that Dunk was slighted by GMMTV in the whole event. They demand that GMMTV give an explanation and an apology. Phi Tha was fuming when he learnt of the event. He demanded a quick solution.

So here they were- Phi Leo, Joong, Dunk and Neo sat down for yet another interview. Joong was sitting close to Dunk with a hand on his lap. Neo seemed nervous at his seat.

"Thank you, Khun Dunk, for making time for us on such short notice." Phi Leo started.

"You're too polite, Phi Leo. It's not a bother at all." Dunk smiled.

"Seems that a lot had happened after our interview few days back. Sabaidi mai (how are you)?"

"Sabaidi khup (I'm good). I was told I looked pale the last round. Sorry for the scare. I had rushed over after a few meetings and had missed lunch. I'm okay na khup. Sorry for letting everyone worry." Dunk wai-ed at the camera. Neo paled at his explanation.

"You really are a busy man. Take better care of yourself na khup. Wouldn't want nong Joong to worry, shai ba (right)?" Dunk gave a small laugh, patting Joong's lap.

"But I really want to apologize on behalf of GMMTV on the commotion that happened that day. We have nong Neo here with us today who has a few words to say." He motions Neo forward. Neo had apologized sincerely for all the trouble he caused. Dunk waved it off.

"Mai bpen rai (It's okay). I don't think the commotion that happened was by anyone's design. I feel honoured by everyone's enthusiasm and appreciation of my photography. If it is within means I wouldn't mind arranging a photo session at GMMTV, more likely in a distant future." Everyone was shocked by what Dunk had offered.

"Ao jing (really), Khun Dunk? Khoorp khun maak maak loiie (thank you)!  I thank you on behalf of GMMTV." Phi Leo exclaimed. They followed with an easy conversation after before ending the session. Phi Leo had thanked Dunk once again after they ended the interview. Neo had apologized repeatedly after which Dunk assured him that he didn't take it to heart. Phi Tha had personally come over to apologize after the interview, thanking him for supporting them in smoothly adverting the issue. Dunk had waved it off saying that he understands the challenges that Phi Tha went through for GMMTV to be where it is today, to lose its reputation for such a small matter seemed absurd. Phi Tha thank him sincerely once again for his understanding.


"Why did you promise to arrange a photo session?" Joong asked Dunk curiously on their way back to Dunk's home.

"That would be the best solution for all parties." Dunk's self-sacrificing nature ever present which worries Joong.

"Have you thought about yourself in the process? Do you even like the thought of doing it?"

"It's manageable since we'll be planning ahead of time so there shouldn't be any clashes. It'll be nice to see how it be like to be a professional photographer for short amount of time. Fulfilling one of my childhood dreams." Dunk gave a small smile. Joong looks at Dunk searching for an answer, afraid of asking what he had in mind.

"Mai kit maak (don't think too much), Joong. Gu okay. I'm still interested in learning more about your world. Maybe in smaller doses." Joong smiled at that.  


A/N: on a roll for these 2 days. got 2 chapters in. They are a plot building chapters so I'm not sure how you all feel about it. How are you liking it so far? 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

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