To JoongDunk or not?

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They met at Pond's wine tasting room that Pond reserves for his important clientele. A little building tucked away in the suburban area, which was ideal for them. A neutral venue with less eyes. Pond informed him that Dunk has already arrived. He pats him on the shoulder before leaving them to their conversation. Dunk was swirling his glass of wine, lost in thoughts. He smiled when he noticed Joong.

"Want one? It's rare for Pond to share his favourite collection." Dunk slides a glass over. Joong didn't feel as confident as he walked in. He didn't know where to start.

"I have to say I can't begin to understand what is happening. Pond had showed me what has been going on in the media. Thank you for putting the word out there. I was a little worried for my brothers' safety." Dunk got the conversation going. Joong apologizes, afraid that this is the end before it even begins.

"It's not your fault. None of us expected it. I do find it bizarre. They had even zoom into clips from the photoshoot, the press conference, even during our conversation in the Armshare episode. It wasn't just the advert. Things that I didn't even notice. It's just... bizarre." Dunk takes a sip of his wine.

"It's how the fandom works." Joong trying to think how he can best convey an answer.

"How is this affecting your work?" Dunk asked with concern.

"My manager is happy with how I'm trending and how my fanclub is growing. Apparently the BL genre is lucrative." Joong decides to give a straight answer.

"You are happy with this label? And to be labelled along with me? What do they call it again?"

"Ship. They are shipping us. I'm bi so it doesn't matter. I don't have a partner. It does help to ward off unwanted attention." Thinking of ways to convince Dunk.

"I'm married to my work so it doesn't matter. Phi New and Phi Janhae are happy with how it's helping the direction of the company but I can't help but think that it's wrong. We're not.." Before Dunk could say any further, Joong was quick to reply.

"Our relationship doesn't have to change. They are already happy with how things are as it is. And we're only acquittances at best right now. Just let them think what they want." Dunk looks at him as he tries to process what he said.

"Honestly, I had never felt that there was any wall between us since the first time we've met. I do see you as my friend, Joong." Dunk said sincerely. Joong was touched by Dunk's sentiment. 

"To friendship." Joong raised his glass. A toast that led to a 3 hour conversation with fun and laughter, leaving the previous unease behind.

Joong gets one step closer to Dunk.  


A/N: My weekend is not my weekend this week. here's another early post. 

Joong is finally moving forward! 

so dubious for Dunk to agree just like that, does he like Joong? 🤣🤣what do you think? How are you all liking it so far? 

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