When it rains, it pours

693 29 14

*⚠️ angst ahead

A day after the interview was aired, Dunk sees his uncle Khit outside the gate of his house. Dunk's face darkens. "Why are you here? I clearly remember the restraining order against you."

"You are a disgrace to the family! You f*g! What are you teaching your brothers?! They should be taken away from you." Khit shouted.

Phuwin and Gemini had come out to see what the commotion was all about. The moment Phuwin saw their uncle, he had asked Gemini to record it on his phone, while he dials Paaw Charn's number. He tries to get Pond and Joong as well, knowing that they needed as much reinforcement as possible.

"Threatening to take them away again? You don't scare me. They are of legal age now. No one can take them against their will. What is it this time? Why are you here now? The company not doing too well?"

"You are willing to give Vespera away than to give it your own family!" he roared

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"You are willing to give Vespera away than to give it your own family!" he roared

"What family? The family who abandoned us?! I understood that it was difficult for you to take in 3 kids with 4 of your own. It was a huge responsibility. I had never blamed you for it because you were family. You said I was too young to take over my parents' share of the Boonprasert Corporation. I was fine with it. You took everything and left us penniless. Never once did I blame you for it! You would have taken this house if my parents didn't have it under my name, wouldn't you? What are you asking of me now?!" Phuwin and Gemini's eyes widen as they found out the truth.

"Phu and Gem should have a woman's influence in their life. You aunt will be a great influence in their life. They should be brought up in a normal family." His uncle not willing to give up.

"Iik leow o (with this again)? Your fake concern don't mean a thing to me. You have only been concerned about them since Vespera made its name in the market. I will never allow you to harm them!" Dunk said vehemently.

"You think your parents will be proud of who you are now?!"

"My brothers are healthy, they are thriving in their studies, they have the financial means to do what they want. I have done everything within my means! Tam mai mei por (Why isn't it enough)?!" Dunk's legs give way as he losses all the strength within him.

"Hia!!" Phuwin rushes forward to support Dunk. "Mai yung gab hia gu, awk bpai! (stop harassing my brother, leave!)" Phuwin shouted.

"I have everything on record, I'll call the police if you don't leave now!" Gemini shows that he is recording. Khit left at that. Paaw Charn and Paaw Tinn were the first to arrive. They attended to Dunk. Pond and Joong arrives minutes later. Phuwin and Gemini filled them in on what happened. They had watched the recording that Gemini took. They went up to Dunk's room, hovering outside as they saw Dunk sandwich between Paaw Charn and Paaw Tinn on the bed as they comfort him.

"He won't be able to do anything, I've made sure of that. Phu and Gem are safe." Paaw Charn assured Dunk.

"Why now? Why does he have to remind me of everything now? The things I've done in the past... I should end it with Joong. He'll hate me. He'll hate me! If he were to find out I sold myself...." Dunk sobs.

"You didn't! You didn't! You got out before anything happened. We made sure of it!" Paaw Tinn said with heat in his eyes. Pond's face darkens at that memory. The memories still fresh in his mind no matter how much he wanted to forget it. Joong puts a hand to his mouth trying not to make a sound as he heard Dunk's confession. He was left wondering how much Dunk had suffered in the past.

They entered the room as Dunk fell asleep from exhaustion. They gesture Pond over and stops Joong.

"He is not ready for you yet. We have something to discuss before this goes further." Joong nodded and followed them, despite every fiber in his body telling him to stay with his faen.


A/N: originally, I had no intention of explaining Dunk's past since I have every intention of making it a PG 13 story. It's challenging....so really, viewer's discretion is advised for the next 3 interlude EP. TRIGGER WARNING: mention of attempted rape in the interlude. nothing graphic since I'm still keeping it at PG13.. but If this is not up your alley then please skip it and go straight to EP: picking up the pieces. It will still make sense. 

The other reason why I was hesitant is because this is a quite a long series to begin with, I don't know whether you will get bored. But...it seemed a little cruel to give half a back story 😅😅and I don't know if it'll cause a riot, so here it is. I'm posting it at a go for your convenience. Hope you enjoy. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

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