Pt 1: When the sun doesn't shine

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⚠️angst alert

Joong started packing after coming back from Chonburi, preparing for the 2 weeks ahead that he didn't know much about. Joong took an unfamiliar route, driving up to a secluded house on the mountain. He sees Pond's car parked up front so he knows he's at the right place. Pond helps him unpack the food, shows him around the kitchen and around the house so he is familiar with it. He was about to open the bedroom door but he holds back.

"Dunk isn't going to like that fact that I brought you here. He's going to hate the fact that I'm asking you to take care of him but I think you are ready for this." He says as he opens the door.

The room was dark. He sees Dunk's silhouette on the bed. Dunk was unmoving as he walks over, his eyes vacant as he stares at the curtains.

"He carries too much responsibility. It's bound to get to him. He breaks down at this time every year mainly because... sigh.. I've never told you this but we never celebrate Dunk's birthday according to his actual birth date... his parents died the day after. He always felt that it's fault. He gets into these mood- doesn't move, doesn't eat, doesn't drink. He won't respond to you for a couple of days but he'll slowly come back. If you aren't ready for it, this is the time to back out now." Pond waiting for his answer patiently.

"No, I'm here to stay." He sets his luggage bag to a corner in the room.

"Okay, call me if you need anything. I'll be looking after the twins. Just make sure he drinks. He won't be able to take anything solid. You can just wipe him down to clean him. The bathroom is through that door. Everything that you'll need will be in there."

"Thank you, Pond. Thank you for trusting me." Joong said sincerely. Pond just nodded his head. 


A/N: I feel kinda bad using Dunk's graduation photo for this but the vibe fits. I guess we can see it as Dunk in this series "graduating" from his suffering with Joong's help? 😅😅

Does Pond and Dunk's relationship makes more sense now? Well, there's more to it but  I think I'll get flamed 🤣🤣so we'll be focusing more on JD after this 🤣🤣

I was debating of putting a trigger warning before starting this chapter, but then I didn't want it to be a spoiler before you read, so I just put angst alert. are you all okay with that? As you can see Dunk is having a depressive episode in this chapter. I'm not sure if it is a trigger for anyone. so I only put a glimpse of it here. It gets a little deeper in the next chapter but not too dark. Will there be more? maybe, just a warning that whenever there's an angst alert, it's referring to a depressive episode. I think the title of the chapter will be an indication if the chapter will be dark, so if it's a trigger for u then you can avoid it.  or would you prefer I add an emoticon at the front of the title so you know for sure to avoid those? or... it doesn't matter, I'll take it all 🤣🤣

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