Pt2: JoongDunk or PondDunk?

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Joong's phone blew up with notifications when he was on break. Many Joongdunk fans had tagged him with a picture of an unconscious Dunk in Pond's arm with captions such as "Is our baby CEO okay?" Some had even started ghostshipping Pond with Dunk and a series of argument started on social media. He wasn't too concern about it. He was more concerned about Dunk. He quickly dialed Pond's number. Pond had relayed what the doctor had said, claiming it wasn't serious. He will inform him once Dunk wakes up. It was only later in the day that Pond sent a picture of Dunk's side profile on the hospital bed with his hand showing the V sign covering his face as he ate his congee. Joong had smiled at that. He posted it on his social media with the caption that he is alive and well.

By the time he was off work, Pond had informed him that Dunk has been discharged and he was back home. He had decided to visit him. Gemini had opened the door for him. He walks in to see the rest of them watching a movie in the living room. Phuwin was sitting on the floor massaging the palm of Dunk's hand. Dunk's head was on Pond's lap with his eyes closed as Pond strokes his hair.  He wonders if he was intruding, feeling an undercurrent of jealousy building. He bites it down and sat beside Pond asking how Dunk was and what had happened.

Pond sighed, "He overworked himself. It's always this time of the year that he would push himself more than usual but with the prospect of going into the foreign market... he just took it a little too far, I guess. He feels guilty about it. This is how we make sure he rests. It calms him... and us." Joong understood the need to be close after such a scare. They are very close after all.

"Phi First has given him strict rules to work from home so we can monitor him" Phuwin informed Pond and Joong quietly. Dunk had woken up as the movie ended. He was surprised to see Joong there. Joong had told them how he caught the news, showing the picture of Dunk in Pond's arms.

"ohoo~~ My knight in shining armour. I'm sure there are people swooning over you. Maybe you even have a fanclub of your own  by now." Dunk trying to shift things to a lighter mood.

"You don't need to pull this stunt to get people to swoon over me. Don't you ever scare us like that again. Khao chai mai (Do you understand)?!" Pond holds Dunk's chin to emphasize his point.

"No amount of money will be able to buy you back, hia." Phuwin said seriously. Gemini nodding as he mirrored his twin's serious facial expression.

"Gu khoor tord~~ mai grood Dunk na, na na na na~~ (I'm sorry, Don't be angry at Dunk) Never again. Gu seng ya (I promise)" Dunk throws his best puppy eyes as he tries to appease them.

It was the first time Joong witnessed this side of Dunk, he can't help but think:

Narak (cute) 


A/N: Duu sii! Joong is still in the picture. 🤣🤣 Just need to make him jealous a little. 🤭🤭 

What do you think of a jealous Joong? 

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