what comes after

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Phuwin had chosen to follow Dunk's footstep, being part of the Vespera team even before he graduates. He wanted to learn the trade earlier so that he is well equipped when he graduates. Dunk was curious if he had influenced his decision. He had even told Phuwin he is willing to support him if he decides he wants to venture into a new business when he graduates. But Phuwin had insisted that he wants to stay within Vespera. Dunk had relented. It was true that Phuwin had every intention of sharing his brother's responsibility. He hope that he can take a part of his burden so that he has more time for himself. But he can't deny that he does share his brother's vision for Vespera. There's a lot of potential that he can build on.

Gemini had chosen to go into school of medic as he is passionate about helping others. Fourth had followed his passion to become a singer. Joong had guided him in the industry. Though Dunk had been adamant that The Secret Within was his one and only series, he did star in another series called My Personal Bodyguard with Joong. He couldn't help but finds it hilarious that he is acting as Joong's bodyguard. Perhaps it was due to his martial arts experience.

"Finally, the fans had waited long enough for another JoongDunk series. What made you take up this role? What is the series like?" Phi Leo asked as the trailer was out.

"Phi Jojo was too convincing. He said he thought of me when he first saw the script. I love it. I love the complexity of the character, White, as he learns to be bodyguard to King, played by Joong. It's interesting as he needs to maneuver between being King's personal bodyguard and being his onscreen partner, learning how to be an actor and a celebrity but not forgetting that his priority is to protect King. It's interesting how he has all these different personas and when King's agenda and their history comes to the surface, how all these personas within him comes together. I love it! I love that we get to explore comedy this time round along with action, drama and romance. I'm looking forward to working with Joong again." Dunk explained with excitement.

It was hilarious to him when fans point out the similarity between him and White when the series was aired. How he would stand slightly behind Joong as if to ensure his safety. They would make video edits out of it. He would tell Joong that their imagination is just beyond wild to him. Joong would laugh along with him. It was later on during their conversation that Joong had then informed Dunk that he won't be available on Saturday as Pond has asked his help for something. Dunk nodded without a thought. Sometimes Joong is relieved that his faen is this trusting. He hoped that he is able to pull though the plan he has ahead.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: What do you is about to come? 🤭🤭

Putting these 3 EP out earlier than usual cause I'm gonna be busy today. 

I can't begin to explain the idea behind this EP. It just pop up. Like I've mentioned many times, I don't know how my brain works. Originally, I just wanted to say that they had a 2nd series but that sounded boring so I came up with a rough plot to go with it. Does Dunk really walk behind Joong? I don't know. some times? Would this pic fit the idea? 🤣🤣

Gossip moment, did you all catch the starlympic? Just when we were lamenting that there weren't much JD moments, we got it!🥳🥳 My heart dropped when Dunk nearly fell but Joong looks out for him, despite being far

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Gossip moment, did you all catch the starlympic? Just when we were lamenting that there weren't much JD moments, we got it!🥳🥳 My heart dropped when Dunk nearly fell but Joong looks out for him, despite being far. 

after watching futsal match, I can't help but think back on what Pond and Phuwin once said before and I think Phuwin mentioned it again a month back or so. I really wonder how Joong make Dunk look small. When he stood beside Phi Thor or Phi Foei... Dunk yai maak loiiee. he really isn't that small at all 🤣🤣

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