JoongDunk series interview 2: the cast

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James, Net, Force and Book were sitting in the upper row during the interview, while JJ, AJ were sitting below. Joong was sitting beside a sunflower soft toy where Dunk was supposed to be sitting. Phi Leo welcomed everyone.

"If you give it enough sun, Dunk will appear. Lo len, lo len (just kidding). Dunk will be joining us in a while. There was a clash in schedule. Khoor tord na khup (sorry)." Joong wai-ed as he apologized.

"How do the rest of you feel when knew that JoongDunk will be leading the series?"

"It felt kind of weird for us at first, for Net and I especially. We're not GMMTV so we don't really know much about JoongDunk. I know of Joong, because he won best actor award last year. I thought, yea, that makes sense. I've seen Force and Book around. But when Dunk walked in the room. I'm like who is he? No offense. But when we did the reading, ohoo~~ yes, I can see why Phi Jojo chose him. If you've followed the series, there is no doubt. They chose the right person." There was an all-rounded agreement.

"Since Dunk isn't here. I can ask this freely. How is it like working with him, did he pull the CEO status over you all?" The cast laughed and shook their head.

"It's fun working with him. He is the only one can differentiate JJ and I. We act as his younger brothers in the series and I have to say he really does treat us as so. It feels good." AJ spoke.

"Definitely fun. The bartending scene?" everyone laughed when Net mentioned that.

"Yes, He really does have bartending skills! The way he flips the alcohol bottles and shaker around. Ohoo~~ Phi Jojo was ecstatic when he knew he could do it. He really did mix a few good drinks for us. It's good, phi. You should try if you have a chance." Book said excitedly.

"Should we get Phi Tha to invite him for the GMMTV outing?" Everyone laughed.

"That's too much, phi." Joong the ever protective one spoke out.

"hmm-mm... protecting your on-screen partner already. How is the JoongDunk chemi?"

"I think the fandom has created a monster. Waan maak (so sweet)! If you like what was on screen, let me show you what happens off screen." Force took out his phone while Joong tries to snatch it from him.

"Lo len, lo len." He tells Joong before he takes his phone away.

"Yes, I'm the captain of the ship. Jokes aside, they really work well together. Joong really takes care of Dunk. Rightfully needed. Dunk is very dedicated to his work whether its acting or what is it called again? Vespera. While all of us will be resting during break time, he will be either on the laptop or the phone about Vespera. He isn't good when it comes to meals. Joong makes sure he eats. When Joong isn't on set. James, the twins or I will take over. We'll send pictures of it to Joong like a daily report." Force laughs. James nodded. "It's like having a child that needs supervision. Luuk, gin khao gorn (son, eat first)."

"Na jaak~~" the cast said in unison and explained that that is how Dunk replies every time. Phi Leo laughed. Right on the note, Dunk appears on screen apologizing for the delay. 

"Both you and Joong had the opportunity to do a short commercial for Destiny during Armshare but how does it feel like acting together?"

"Surprisingly easy, whether it was during workshop or on set. It's like we could read each other easily. We share the same vision when it comes to acting. Like I've mentioned before. Dunk really doesn't seem like an inexperience actor at all." Joong replied.

"Yes, even when the first time when we met. It was so easy to connect with him. I've never felt any walls between us. That has really helped the filming. I can't thank him enough. He had guided me a lot in this process.  Everyone has been so kind towards me and I do feel well taken care off. Khoorp khun na khup." Dunk wai-ed towards all his co-star.

"I'm curious, I think the viewers are curious as well. If you ever given a choice, khun Dunk. Would you take on the role of Win or the role of Sun?" Dunk answered Sun without hesitation.

"Why though? I would think Win will be more of you if I glanced at the script." Dunk laughed at that.

"Everyone would think so cause I'm the CEO of Vespera. But actually, character and life experience wise, I'm more like Sun minus the dramatic family history."

"Ao Jing (really)?" Phi Leo asked in disbelieve.

"My parents passed away when I was 18 so I tried every job out there to take care of 2 younger brothers who happen to be twins as well. I've been a waiter, retail attendant, bartender, barista, kitchen helper, photographer, emcee, I can't remember what else I've done. Anything that brings in money, I've tried. It was only later on that I start up Vespera with my seniors in uni. It was part of a project that we did under a Kickstarter competition but the passion we had for it led us to develop it further till what it is today. I really have to thank my best friend, Pond, Pond Naravit for keeping me afloat through those years. Khoorp khun na, puuean" He wai-ed at the camera.

"You really were a bartender before? And the martial art? It was so easy for him to catch what the martial art choreographer said that he can even teach me" Net added.

"Got to learn some since I worked at a bar and I wanted to be able to protect my brothers if I needed to, so I have some experience." Dunk explained shyly. 

"Speaking about that, Phi Jojo mentioned this is his favourite scene. It was an improvised scene by Khun Dunk, can you comment on that?" Dunk had a flashed back as he watched.

He noticed a sharp object protruding through the wall, his left eye will be heading straight towards it if he doesn't think quick . Quick on his feet, he used his agility to flip the scenario around, taking 2 steps up to the side of the wall, flipping through the air, throwing his aggressor down to the ground. He was huffing as he stood up and he slowly walks towards the camera until he was off screen. It took a while for everyone to process what happened and for Phi Jojo to yell cut. Dunk had quickly walk back towards his fellow stunt actor who acted as the aggressor to see if he was okay. He nodded, wai-ed at Dunk with a string of apologizes once he knew why Dunk took that sudden move. It was a scare for all the staff on set. Till this day, no one knew how it had gotten there. The production team had double and triple check their scenes since then.

"I told Phi Jojo. He can either take that shot or leave it. We'll shoot the scene as per what was originally planned. Phom mei wai na khup (I just can't). Phi Nawin is what? About maybe 77kg of pure muscle. Mei wai, mei wai (I really can't)... so when we saw the replay, we were all relieved that the footage was good."

"hoort teeh (It was so cool!), it would be such a disappointment if this shot didn't make it." Phi Leo exclaimed which the whole cast agreed. Phi Leo continued to tease Joong and Dunk about filming their intimate and kissing scenes which had both of them blushing. They had joked and laughed it off. They ended the interview by promoting their finale. 


A/N: This was a long one... Hopefully you like the interviews. What do you think about it? 

It goes without saying my schedule is still a little off today. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

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