Chapter Twelve: Trial Three

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As soon as I step outside my door Sam teleports me to the throne room. I feel a little wobbly. My world feels off-kilter for a few moments. I go to sit by Asmodeus but again he stops me and pulls me into his lap. I give him a small smile and then curl into his body like a cat. I'm feeling shitty. I don't feel like myself. I haven't slept well. 

So many thoughts are running through my mind. For the first time, I'm angry with Sam and it feels wrong. Like that emotion doesn't belong when I think about him. That doesn't stop me from still being mad though. It was because of Sam I was hurt. At least the other times I gave consent to sacrifice myself I just did it for Sam. This time it just seems unfair. I look blows for Sam when I doubt he'd do the same for me. 

Was everything between me and Sam real? I look over at Sam and he's looking at me. His face reads that he's upset. I lay into Asmodeus more and close my eyes. I feel Asmodeus's arm come around me to hold me here. I just start to fall asleep when Sam claps his hands boisterously.

"Who wants the pain first?" He says with excitement.

"Thorne does. He told us as much last night." Bancroft says.

"Is that so?" I watch as Sam raises one eyebrow in Thornes's direction.

"What say you?" He says to Thorne.

I watch as he makes a little ball of light then he begins rolling it along his knuckles. He notices me looking at him out of the corner of his eye. So he throws the ball up and then rolls it on the other hand. Then he tosses it up and bounces it on every finger in succession. Then he lets it sit on his thumb where he spins it and a light ball goes spinning and swirling around it. I'm so rapt and in awe of what he's doing I don't notice anything else but the light. Not even himself which is saying something. I feel my problems starting to go away. Watching the light is like looking into a fire it's relaxing and mesmerizing.

In the next second a beam shoots out of the ball and goes straight through Thorne's shoulder. There's a hole about the size of a quarter that you can put things into seeing the back of the throne room through it. Thorne is screaming in so much pain I almost feel bad. Almost. Thorne did send me to Michael and Uriel.

"Thorne. Where is Leviathan?" Sam says. Thorne slumps over in his bindings. Still conscious. I watch as he sends a beam out from the light ball and has it sear through Throne's other shoulder. Then he makes the ball bigger and throws it up and down in his hand. All the sevens eyes go wide. Knowing his threat when he made the light ball bigger. That he would make a bigger hole in them. In the next second, he lines up and shoots the light through Cromwell's shoulder. My ears hurt as Cromwell starts screaming so loud I feel my brain rattle. I could put my fist through the hole. Sam's looking out the corner of his eye at me. I have a look of horror but I'm also intrigued. If I'm not going to lie to myself It turns me on. I quickly turned down my lust aura but I could feel Sam checking and seeing but I was too late. I don't look at his face it's too embarrassing. That's something that should be obvious about me I'm drawn to danger. For some reason, I hadn't put that together until right now. Even when in chains there was always some feeling of being drawn to his cause of it.

I look up at Asmodeus and he is watching me like I'm his favorite TV show. That's cute. I wonder if I can hold the light ball without it hurting? I watch as Sam tosses me the light ball and my eyes go wide wondering what's going to happen. Then I move it around in my hands examining it. Then he explodes it into my hands and it turns into little fireworks. Then tiny rays shoot back into my hands and become a ball again. I must be looking at it like I'm a little kid. I can make a beam like a flashlight but I can't do this. I can't manipulate any element. I can use hexes, I can use defensive spells. I can do damage-inducing spells. My darkness ability is somewhat the same but I haven't figured out how to manipulate or use it just yet.

"So, I ask again. Where is Leviathan?" He says.

Thorne mumbles something. Sam gets off his throne and stands and walks over to him. "What was that?" He asks.

"She's in the black lake." Thorne gurgles through his spittle.

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