Chapter Twenty-Three: A Sex Demon

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"Well, I'm going to go on a soul mission," I say getting up. I hear Sam getting off of the bed. "Alone this time," I say my tone deadly. I hear as Sam sits back down. I put on some sweatpants socks and sneakers and head out of the room.

I enter the teleporter room and start my soul's mission. To the human, it looks like they're summoning us. But really we already know about the deal and we teleport ourselves there.

Before I can see I smell. It smells like mold, Mountain Dew, Doritos, and virgins. My vision comes through and I see I'm in a basement. There is an old worn orange couch with the stuffing popping out directly in front of me. Behind the couch is a boy in his twenties. He starts to scream like a little girl. My eyes go wide and I put my hands up as if I meant no harm. I see a shifting in my periphery and there's another twenty-something-year-old. The wooden stairs creak and another one steps to move closer to me. They are both in boxers. What the hell is going on here? The one behind the couch loses it and starts throwing things at me. I put my arm and leg up to defend myself and block the flying objects. It gets annoying so I catch a few with an entrapment spell and throw them back one by one. I laugh at the absurdity.

"Who here wants to make a deal? Or do all of you?" I look between the three of them.

"We... We... Are you a sex demon?" The one from the stairs asks nervously.

"A sex... " I force myself to not roll my eyes. It all makes sense now.

"You're all willing to trade your souls just for sex?" I arch my eyebrow in disbelief.

"Depends, on how hot the demon is." Says the one on my right side.

"You look human." The one behind the couch questions.

I dread this but it's all part of the act. I change into the demon form. I take off my clothes so they can see.

The one by the stairs gets closer and so does the one on the right. "Dude, she looks like a tiefling. A very hot one." Says the one behind the couch.

I feel my eyebrows come together. "What's a tiefling?" The one behind the couch gets a thrill in his eye and goes to a book on the side table. It says dungeons and dragons on it. He is flipping through the book hastily. 

"Here." He hands the book to me and I take it. The drawing shows a demon woman with red skin and horns. I can see the similarities. She is pretty so that's sweet at least.

I decided to do a circle around the room. I start with the first one and let the tip of my tail run down his chest. He reaches to grab it. "No touching." I snap my tail back at him. I step at the next boy and tap him on the ass with my tail as I pass. The last one who threw stuff at me I stopped in front of. I raise my tail and slap him across the face then back lightly.

"Okay deal time." I point to the one on the right and stand in front of him again.

I stand closer a tad getting in his eye line. "What is your name?" He doesn't hesitate.

"Mike." Ugh what an awful name. Poor guy.

"What would you like?" Hopefully, he doesn't ask for anything pervy cause I won't do that. His eyes look down at the ground and then back into mine.

"My mom is sick and in the hospital. If you cure her I will make a deal." I nod my head and act as if I'm pondering his request. "I'll allow 20 years with her then you're mine," I state my terms and patiently wait for him to respond. I tie my hands behind my back and pace around the room. Looking at the random nerdy human objects. There is a shelf full of figurines. My eyes scan each one until they land upon a specific one. The box says it is called a Funko Pop. It is also from Dungeon and Dragons it says but the name on the box says Asmodeus. I smile. "Can I have this?" I point to the figurine.

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