Chapter Twenty: Yo-Yo

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The next second Sam teleports us to his room. I really don't want to be in here. "Teleport us to Asmodeus's room I'm spent." I point between me and Asmodeus. Which is not a lie I am. Sam doesn't so I start walking my way there since I know where it is. Then he teleports me back. I look at Sam giving him the stink eye. Sam is looking at me emotionless.

"I need you to move back in here," Sam says gruffly. Like hell, I will.

"Why?" I say in exasperation. "I'm not a yo-yo."

"I need to keep an eye on you Asmodeus is flighty and doesn't pay attention. If he wants sex bad enough he might leave you while you're sleeping."

"Asmodeus would never do that and you know it," I say calling him on his bullshit. "If he wants to go fuck. Then let him." I laugh. "I made it through dealing with those idiots before. I can do it again."

"I need to know when you go and how long you are there." Sam still says trying to control me.

"Why don't we just figure out what day they summon me on 'cause it's only once a week. Then I can sleep in my own bed." I let the word own be said forcefully.

"I can't let you do that in case they break the promise," Sam says trying to force the issue.

I look at Asmodeus and he's looking at his shoes. Seriously? "Et tu, Brute?" I say to Asmodeus he looks up at me hurt. "Fine, whatever." I step by him without touching him kick my sneakers off and lay down. I put the sheet over my head because I don't want him looking at me. I hear footsteps retreating which is probably Asmodeus's.

I feel the bed from the other side sink down. I roll over to not face him. The silence is deafening. I can feel him staring my way. I lift the sheet of my head and pull it down quickly. I roll over. "Is there something you want to say?" I snap. He looks as if he is going to open his mouth to say something but thinks better of it than keeping it shut.

I feel the bed move like he is coming closer. My heart races like a horse at the derby. I feel it shift near me and I feel something lay on my side. I pop open my eyes and look down. His head is on my side. I narrow my eyes at him. He goes to take my hand but I resist. He grabs harder so I relent. Then he puts it on his head. I move to position myself up on the headboard and move my legs wide so he can come between them. He looks unsure about it but decides he will. I wait for him to get comfortable.

Then I start running my fingers through his hair. He shivers and closes his eyes. I gather the hair by his ear and start making a tiny braid. My knuckles brush up against his ear. Which I'm doing on purpose because he likes it. Then I tug it a little bit to get the braid tighter. I know he likes his hair pulled. It must feel like overload but I don't care. I keep doing the same thing so there are tons of small braids. I stop and then gather some of the hair from beside his ears and use my palms to pull it back. Then palm the hair on the top of his head and pat it back. Then I go to the other ear and my knuckles brush against it and I tug his hair harder making the braids. Then to make him not desensitize I move on to the hair on the back of his neck. I run my fingers against his neck and pull the hair up then let it fall. I do it a few times.

Then I just sit and regularly run my hands through. I look down and he's looking up at me. I look down at his head instead. I hear footsteps and Asmodeus comes in with my clothes. Asmodeus sees us and stops mid-walk. "Hey, Asmodeus come on in." I smile.

"No, you can leave." Sam snips. I pull his hair hard. I look down at Sam and he is eyes are full of lust. I guess? Who knows at this point when it comes to him? "You don't want to do that again," Sam warns his voice even.

"Or, what princess does a little hair pull hurt you?" I talk like how a child bullies someone. Then I pull again. Sam's eyes are smoldering at me.

"You won't like what I'm going to do. Don't mess with me." So I pull again cause now I gotta. The next second Sam's flipping me around and pulling me under and he places himself on top of me. Sam sits there eyes blazing staring down at me.

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