Chapter Twenty-Four: Trial Five

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I get to do my daily routines and then I release Sam and make it so he can talk. Sam rushes me throwing me on the bed and laying on top of me. With almost all his weight. He is leaning on his elbows on each side of my head. His eyes blaze white fire. "Don't ever leave me like that again," Sam says with a calm yet scary tone. I feel my eyes grow inky black. "Don't give me a reason to," I say challenging him. My skin feels like it's on fire cause my body is so aware of him on top of me. The proximity. Sam leans down as if going to Anger in his eyes. "We have a trial today." Sam grits out. Then Sam gets off me and teleports us.

"Where is Belphegor?" Sam says patiently.

A ball of light on the side of a tennis ball appears in my hands. Like just a few days ago.

I feel the ball getting warmer like it is charging up. It gets hotter but not enough to harm me. Then when no one responds a beam of light is sent out of the ball in my hands and straight into Crane's thigh. I'll hear his screams in my nightmares tonight. I'm wondering how he is still conscious. Light is pretty but when handled by Sam it's horrible. A thrill goes through me.

I wish he didn't do it from my hands though. On the other hand, it was cool to feel the ball charging up. I throw the ball to Lucifer and try to see if I can take his ability. His was given by his father. So I'm not sure it works but it would be fun to try. Also, it's hard to take an ability from someone whose power is vast and more than your own. I use the spell I know in my mind to tap into Sam's and try to take it. There is no resistance so I pull. Then I try to make a spark of light. As I'm watching a light from off the end of a sparkler fire work happens. I feel Asmodeus jump sitting beside me. I didn't want to sit in his lap today. I turn to him open my hands and then cause it to happen again.

His eyes go wide. I smile cause it's really cool.

In my glee, I didn't notice how quiet everything had gotten and how still Asmodeus had become. I feel my forehead scrunch up. Then I look at Sam. His face looks awestruck, terrified, and furious all in one. To show off I make a small ball of light and float it across my knuckles. I had to mess with the temperatures to not burn myself but I did it. I look back to Sam and he has a look of wonder mixed with a grimace. A half grin half sneer. It's weird to look at. To add more fuel to the fire I make three balls and juggle them in one hand. Then three in the other and do the same. Then I make three balls rotate above my head. I transform the three on my head into an intricate crown and place it above Sam's head.

I feel Asmodeus poke me hard in the side. Sam's face no longer has the positive emotions so I cut all light out at once.

Sam's eyes are unfocused and he's looking at me but not, he's looking through me. I think for a moment. My hands have turned pure black. I try to see if I can pull out of darkness like he can. I try to make a ball of darkness in my hand. Instantly there's a dark inkblot with tendrils in my hand. I elbow Asmodeus. He looks at my hand and his eyes go wide. I summon a ball of Sam's light and try to encompass my shadow ball to cancel out his light. It takes a few moments but it happens but it doesn't last long the light starts to consume the darkness. Sam is staring at my hand where the battle between shadow and light is happening. He is thinking hard with a scowl on his face. I let both of them disappear.

"So where is Belphegor?" I ask in a serious voice. "He will not torture you for a week and will let you rest if you tell us." I make the choice for him.

I look at Sam to see his reaction to what I have said and he is still staring off into nothing.

"Sam?" I ask. "You agree?"

Sam comes too but says nothing all he does is nod.

"Belphegor is in the hunting grounds," Cromwell says pain in his voice.

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