Chapter Thirty-Three: Boned

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We have one more council meeting before the first Bones mission. "The plan is to subdue the two angels inside while Xirasti finds and acquires the bones," Aiden says.

"Oh, I'm not going. You can use my understudy." I don't look up from my book and I turn a page.

"How do you know about that?" Aiden says irate.

"She has a big mouth. It's okay I made it so she can't talk." Aiden looks uneasy at that.

"Where--" He goes to say.

"I suggest you hurry up and find her the clocks ticking." I tap my wrist like there's a watch there.

"She doesn't even know the bones spell."

"Then I guess you were lacking in your job," I say matter-of-fact and he growls.

"Me? You're the one who's being selfish." Aiden says angry.

Before I can even say anything Sam has him by the throat. "Don't you talk to her like that! You don't know what she's been through to get us where we are. I wasn't told anything about a backup magic user." Sam says furious. Sam lets go of him.

"Xirasti is weak." Aiden states bluntly grabbing his throat. "When it comes down to it she can't even imagine desecrating some old man's bones. What if were in a life or death fight? She would never kill anyone never mind hurt anyone. If she saw half of the things we will have to do she would freeze up in battle. This is war. She's a liability." Aiden puts it out there and everyone is silent.

"He's right to use the second." I shrug one shoulder. I go back to reading my book. I teleport the bone book they need and it drops on the table. I unbind her in my mind and let her speak again and teleport her here shes screaming like she was trying to get someone's attention. She breathing ragged and her eyes are wild. She sees me and gets furious her fists glowing red. She casts a spell. I put a reflection shield on to bounce it back to her. Then she gets hit in the face with her own spell. She screams covering her face. She tries to cast something else but I time stop her in place. I flip a page of my book just to be an asshole. "Defensive spells are just so much more effective." I shrug one shoulder. Asmodeus starts cracking up. "Little minx. I love you." Asmodeus says his voice full of affection. My stomach has butterflies. That's the first time he told me first.

"You going to un-whatever you just did to her?" Aiden asks like why haven't I done so already. So I do. She is covering her eye glowering at me. I walk over to her and put my hand over her eye. She tries to bat me away but I do it anyway. I look Aiden in the eye. "I don't want to be selfish her going out hurt on her first mission and all." Then I go and sit back down. Then teleport the book two times so it looks like it hops towards her on the table. Asmodeus's face is full of humor. He found this whole encounter hilarious. "Let her go and if the mission is successful she can take my place. If it fails it's Aiden's fault." I look to Lucifer. Aiden looks at me with disdain.

"If this mission fails you'll be in so much shit Aiden," Belphegor says to him.

"You'll be having lots of torture with no mercy," Sam states.

"I have faith in Isabel she can do it." He says looking down at her. She sneers at me.

It's not like any of them can be hurt on this mission if they died they'd just come back to hell. Nursing their wounds they got within the host. If I went on the mission I could actually die it is for the best. I've given enough. I stand up like I'm going back to my room. I lean up on my toes and kiss Asmodeus on the cheek. "Have fun." I smile at him. Then I see a pale blue shimmer come over me. Then the teleport happens.

Uriel is perching on the table in front of me with a serious look on his face. He has one leg on the table where he's sitting the other is on the floor. One hand is gripping the table the other, is placed on his thigh. His outfit today is an emerald with a black pinstripe vest over black pants. It looks like he's using a different pocket watch instead of it being gold it's silver. It looks better with this outfit. His hair is immaculate. He looks good enough to eat.

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