Chapter Thirty-Two: Another Shitty Meeting

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I'm completely sore. All. Over. With a gigantic smile on my face. I'm sitting in this meeting daydreaming about it. Until Asmodeus elbows me. I look over to him. "Is that crack in the wall interesting or are you just thinking about me naked?" I laugh and then look over at him. "You're glowing you're so happy. It's a good look on you." He brushes his finger along my cheekbone. "He's been watching you all meeting." He says his eyes watching Sam. I look over to Sam and our eyes catch and his eyes are gleaming with happiness.

"Lucifer?" Aiden says. Lucifer stays looking at me. "Lu-ci-fer." Aiden says loud and drawn out. I watch as Lucifer snaps to and shakes out of it. "She's a distraction. You were checked out during one meeting, left early for another meeting, and then completely skipped another. I thought this was important to you." Aiden says pissed off. Lucifer looks him over but says nothing. "You want it all blown on some fling? Other people are working here to help you. Sadly, you are getting inattentive for nothing." Aiden says each word and it's like a slap to my face. 

"Aiden your not a seven your a low-level crap of a demon. What are you even doing here?" Asmodeus lashes out at him. 

"My job," Aiden says sharply. I watch as Sam gets emotionless doesn't look at me and says 

"You're right." Then Sam teleports me and Asmodeus to Sam's room.

My mouth is hanging wide open in shock. I feel like all the air is out of my lungs. "I'm so sorry Xirasti. He is such a fucking asshole. Him and Aiden. I'm surprised he let Aiden speak to him like that at all. Aiden is getting too bold for his good." 

"He agreed I was only a fling and that I was nothing," I say in a meek voice. 

"He is an idiot," Asmodeus says.

"We were happy," I say sadly. "It's my fault he said he wouldn't do this to me again. I gave in to him anyway. He makes me weak." I look up to Asmodeus. There's sadness in his eyes.

"You know one time when I was at a cafe possessing someone. I heard a lady say to her crying friend. "Sometimes love is one-sided. I never understood that until now. If you want Lucifer, his love will always be one-sided." He looks down at me gauging my reaction. I think about what he says.

"He never even said he loved me," I say sadly.

"Maybe he feels he doesn't have to because it's obvious to him."

"Yes, obvious," I say sarcastically.

"You tell me you love me," I say looking up at him with love.

"Or love is different." He says tucking my hair behind my ear.

"How is it different?" I ask.

"It's simple. I love you more." I give him a small smile and then he pokes my dimple.

Sam teleports in just as I'm laughing and his steps falter.

I continue our conversation. "What do you think happened to the crying woman?" I whisper to him.

"I would tell you but then I'd have to tickle you. We both know you don't want that." He says not whispering.

"Asmodeus," I whine.

"I found what they said fascinating so I watched the woman."

"That's creepy." I laugh.

He gives me a dirty look. "It wasn't like that. I wanted to know the story." He is not whispering.

So I don't either. "What happened with her for real this time," I say warning in my eyes.

He grins. "Although she loved him and he is her universe. She decided to move on. She's happily married to someone else. With three kids and a dog."

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