Chapter Thirty-Eight: Heal

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I cry out and scream and shriek in agony. I put my hands to my ankles and begin trying to heal them. Instantly Sam is there and he looks like he's going to lift me or my feet. "No. No. Leave me." I yell.

Between gasps and pants. I feel my eyes starting to roll up into my head. But I can't pass out now. This is going to who knows how long to heal. That's with me constantly holding my hands over them and don't sleep. That doesn't count my other injuries. I don't even know if I can heal breaks this bad. I had to pop my shoulder in before when I saved Asmodeus. I had to crack my own nose back in place to heal. These broken ankles are so bad my feet are hanging limp. Seeing my legs and feet this mangled is making me feel sick. I lean over to the side and throw up.

I don't even register that everyone is here watching me because I'm just in so much pain. "Doctor. Pain. Meds. Now." I grunt in a loud yell. I don't hear footsteps which means no one stirs. I can't talk anymore It just hurts too bad and I can't think. I finally hear fast footfalls. There is no sound in here. I can't even hear anyone breathing. Or maybe that's because I can barely hear anything. I did hit my head very hard... again. I hear a quick footfall behind me. The doctor comes rushing over to me and kneels down. He goes to reach to touch the break to check it.

"No! No!" Don't touch them." I say in a guttural tone. "Pain meds. Strong ones. Send someone which ones to get. I can't heal myself if I pass out." I once used the euphoria ability to reduce Sam's pain. So I use Ryan's aura and then the euphoria ability. It won't block out all the pain because this is so severe but it will help some.

"You're losing too much blood. You're not healing it fast enough." The doctor says finding it severely worrisome.

"What do you suggest?" I say pain etched on my face.

"We need to tie off the area tightly and get an IV drip." The doctor says figuring out what's needed. I cringe and feel my legs spaz which makes me cry out more.

"I'm a pure-blooded demon. I don't know if human blood will work." I say unsure.

"We can try." The doctor says hopeful.

I use my magical cuffs and put them around my legs near the sight to cut the blood flow off.

This is going to suck badly. Very very Badly. I do both of them at once. I scream so long and so hard that my voice dies out in the middle and it's just a silent scream. I can fairly pay attention to what the doctor says. Then the doctor comes and sits in the same position.

"I've never healed anything this bad. I'm not even sure if I can." I say unsure and it's scaring me. I hear Leviathan gasp. That's as much conversation as I can get out. I can feel tiny pieces of bone moving to try to get into place. It is so much a degree of pain it is imaginable to try to think about how to describe it. I cry out again. My feet are literally hanging by a thread of skin. My head is beginning to throb and at the impact site, I can feel a growing lump. Perfect. I motion to the doctor with my head to come to me. He does. "My head. Check it." He looks and makes an unhappy noise. Well, that's not good. "Take care of that," I said gasping. I begin to feel faint like I'm about to topple over. I sway a little bit.

"Asmodeus." I call him. Asmodeus is by my side in two seconds. He doesn't touch me but it's more emotional support.

"Do you want to lean on me a little?" He asks softly. I think about it. I nod my head. He gets super close without touching me and sits down beside me so I can lean on his side. I can feel pain written all over my face. I hiss and groan and grit my teeth as I try to adjust so I can lean comfortably on him. Broken ribs too. Great. I readjusted to be comfortable sitting without the ribs causing pain too. I can feel each fragment of my ankle and below slowly moving together to form what used to be there. Like an intricate puzzle. We don't have time. I have to heal this. I just have to. They need me to help.

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