Chapter Forty-Three: Arc of the Covenant

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My eyesight comes back from being blurry and I realize I'm at the top of the highest mountain I've ever seen. I'm pretty much in the clouds in front of this gigantic temple. The temple has ornate gold trimmings on top of a brick red colored paint. There's religious symbology in the trimmings around the top of the structure and gold pillars on the corners. The whole roof is set with a gold dome with religious depictions on it.

As soon as I land I turn invisible. I watch as I see a bunch of monks wearing the same colors as the temple and headed my way. What the? Oh, It's the others. They could get these monks hurt. I sigh. I use Ryan's aura and turn everyone invisible. I look to the sky and there are angels flying above tons of them just wading in the sky. I didn't even see them there. I walk into the building.

The inner room past the entrance is an octagon shape every side is open there are no windows. In the center is an ancient rickety elevator. At all entrances of the room, there's an angel standing guard. I wait till everyone is close and then I step onto the elevator. I worry about the weight of all of us. Once we're all on I press the lever and we start to slowly descend.

The angels bristle but do nothing because the elevator has probably done this on its own. This temple is humongous and on every level, I notice there is a rune in the wall in the landscape in the mural. Each rune has to do with a holy symbol and depictions of God's wrath. I try taking them all, in trying to memorize them all in case they are needed below. If I can't use my magic I need to be useful somehow. We have been going down in this elevator for what seems like forever. I try to look over the side but it shakes the platform so I freeze in place. I put my hand to my heart from being startled. The closest we get to the bottom each level has more and more angels.

We reach the bottom floor and we see an inner square chamber with the arc of the covenant in the center. It's raised up on a higher pedestal. The room looks like it's spread down the middle with lines imprinted on the floor. The arc of the covenant is positioned so that it's out of the imprinted lines. I see Michael and two other angels waiting outside the room. I instantaneously feel scared. Which is warranted since he ripped my feet off. How as God goodie two shoes getting away with such acts. Although I am a demon and god does not care for them so maybe he thinks it's righteous to smite me down. It makes me wonder what other things has Michael done to achieve the goals of this mission. Me and Sam probably got the worst of it. I hope anyway. What causes an angel to go this far? I believe it's fear. I believe he's fearful of Sam.

Which is illogical since Michael is the strongest and best fighter of the angels.

I move around Michael's group and circle around to the back. Maybe we can get to and teleport the arc before he realizes it. I get inside and I start hearing a loud clicking noise of machinery locked into place. Everyone else hurries in quickly. The doors shut behind us with a big boom and see a through golden barrier come between us and the arc. The noises cause Michael and the other two angels to step into the room. Their door crashes shut with a loud slam. The loud mechanical clicking is coming from their side as well. The translucent golden barrier separates them from the arc as well. I take off our invisibility. Michael glares at me with malice in his eyes. I wave to him. Which causes his sneer to get more pronounced. "Don't provoke him," Leviathan says worried. I just grin at her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and tap it twice.

I notice there are large murals covering from ceiling to floor on all the walls. On the same two sides, the mural depicts a large party with musical instruments and all the people in the mural looking lively and dancing. With the sun's rays shining down on them with warmth and peace. The other two murals were completely different. It depicts the night sky with fire raining down on horrified-looking people. It shows the seven deadly sins portrayed by the people in the mural. People who choose to live this way face God's wrath. I've seen the exactly identical ones when coming down in the elevator. Except they don't have the angelic runes in the center. What were the ones I saw? I can't remember. In every corner of the room are large statues of monks. Two on our side. Two on Michael's.

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