Chapter Seventeen: Trial Four

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The next day I'm reading a book and then Sam teleports me to the throne room. Yay. I think sarcastically. Trial. Again.

I go to sit in the empty seat but Asmodeus stands up grabs my hand and brings me over to his lap. Asmodeus's black hair is framed around his face with most tucked behind his ears. He is wearing a black with gray pinstripe vest with a dress shirt the same color gray. Asmodeus has a thin black tie on and black dress pants with a pair of black shoes. He looks gorgeous. I sit down easily. I look to his black eyes and then we both grin at each other.

"So. Bancroft," Sam says. "What can I get you so you tell me the whereabouts of Mammon?" Bancroft stays silent. A demon standing next to Bancroft cuts off his ear. It's spouting blood all over him the demon and the floor. I turn my head away. Asmodeus brings me closer to him and tucks my head under his. Bancroft's face is paler and his eyes droopy. 

"Give me a little kiss from her." Bancroft points to me. "So I can piss off Thorne and we have a deal," Thorne growls. I wait for Sam's reaction with anticipation.

"That won't ever happen," Sam says his voice full of venom.

I lift my head from being tucked into Asmodeus. I lean up and then whisper in his ear "Why does everyone think we're in love?" I ask with mischief in my eyes. I lean back to look at his face. He smirks knowing what I'm thinking.

Asmodeus whispers. "We could use it to our benefit."

"Oh?" I ask extremely curious.

"You can use it to make Lucifer jealous. I will use it to drive Lucifer insane. It's a win-win." Asmodeus laughs manically.

"That does sound like fun." My eyes gleam.

"Why are you so perfect Xirasti?" Asmodeus looks deep into my eyes.

"I don't know why are you?" We both grin at each other.

"Keep flirting with me little minx and see what happens," Asmodeus says out loud so Sam can hear it. My eyes shine bright. I want to laugh. "Don't think I won't start the tickles."

I relent. I hold my hands. "I'm not a threat. I'm not a threat. Promise." Asmodeus looks down at me with a pretend look of punishment in his eyes. "I'm not above spanking you." Asmodeus goes to turn me over. I start kicking and screaming trying to keep him from getting my ass laughing like a loon the whole time.

I don't look over to Sam because I just don't want to think about him at all. It hurts too much. I straddled Asmodeus so I was more comfortable leaning into his ear and whispering to him. "These trials are so boring. Let's go topside and do something fun. Sam doesn't need us."

"Unfortunately we have to stay." He turns his face and whispers to me. I can feel Sam's eyes on us.

"Why though?" It doesn't make sense.

"He needs me for moral support and he needs you in case another location is found." I feel my face turn into a sneer. "it's okay." he says running his palms up and down my thighs.

"I'm tired of him sacrificing me." My voice cracks.

"If I had my way I wouldn't let him," Asmodeus says forlorn.

I scoot closer to him because I feel like I'm falling off the chair. Asmodeus grips my thighs. "Then why isn't he even torturing anyone."

"Because he's too busy watching you," Asmodeus says gently.

"Whatever," I say annoyed. I kiss Asmodeus on each cheek and the tip of his nose. 'Those are the perks of having to kiss Urine." I say laughing. Asmodeus laughs out loud so much that he's coughing and grabs his stomach. I'm grinning at him like a fool. "Like that one did you?" I whisper to him. Asmodeus laughs again loudly.

"Yes, I most certainly did." I sit back on Asmodeus to face him. I just grab Asmodeus's hair to go to put it behind his ear.

"Stop!" Sam yells. I look at Sam because his yelling randomly is confusing. Sam shakes his head no. "Don't do that," Sam says angrily. I hold my hands up as if to say okay. Then I lean into Asmodeus to speak in his ear. I watch him for a few moments. Sam is wearing a plain white fitted T-shirt and a pair of faded black jeans. No sneakers or socks. He doesn't even need to dress up or wear sneakers and he's hot as fuck. I sigh then direct my attention back to Asmodeus.

"What was that about?" I ask wondering why Sam was acting so weird.

"I don't know," Asmodeus says sounding uncomfortable. Then it hit me he was jealous of me touching Asmodeus's hair. Since it is an us thing. He is so confusing.

"I'll take it back," Bancroft says. "If you let me watch him fuck her. Then I'll tell you just about anything."

Thorne growls loudly. "Bancroft!" He shouts.

I found what he said shocking so my mouth is wide open. Asmodeus is laughing so I slap him playfully.

"If you don't want me to kill you never mention her ever again," Sam says with finality.

Sam resumes torturing Bancroft. Probably because he is the weakest link. Sam's finding it frustrating though so he decides to do the same tortures to them all at once. Ears, fingers, toes, and tongue were all chopped off then put back, and then chopped off again. As part of Sam's torture abilities, he can illusion and make it seem like the limbs are back again. As well as making them still feel the pain of losing them again. There's so much blood it's a lake in the center of the room.

"Can't you just make their dicks explode or something? That sounds like a horrible torture." All of them even Sam and Asmodeus make ooo noises while hiding their crotches.

"What do you think guys? Want your dicks to blow up?" Sam says. They all looking at me like I'm horrifying.

"Maybe make an example out of one of them. Do it to one of them so that the others can see what happens."

Asmodeus tickles my knee. "I didn't know you had it in you little minx." I squirm holding my legs away from him squealing while he tries to get them.

"Yeah well, you two are bad influences," I say in between breaths.

"Let's see, who's first?" Sam says eagerly.

They are all just staring at us like we are a serial killer and they are caught. He raises his hands so it looks like he is going to clap. "No no no no no. Wait." They are all pleading.

"Where is Mammon?"

They are all looking at Thorne waiting for his say so. Thorne looks like the thought conflicts with him.

"Mammon is in the Sinking sand dunes," Thorne says begrudgingly.

"Tomorrow we go," Sam says excitedly but with a serious look on his face.

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