Chapter Thirteen: Leviathan

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Sam teleports me and Asmodeus to the black lake. I feel a chill come over my body. "I don't like it here," I say hugging myself with my arms. Asmodeus puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me to his side.

"You don't feel that?" My body shivers.

Both of them shake their heads no.

I see the portal ahead of us. So I walk in. I look behind me and Sam is standing there looking down at the ground in thought. I watch as Asmodeus comes in and stands by the exit.

I notice that the lake is a medium size in circumference. There is a ledge like the wailing caverns off to the left of Asmodeus. The water is a solid black so you can't see through it. I imagine all the disgusting creepy crawlies that can be in there and shiver. There is a blue luminescent glow from the flowers that are placed around it. It makes it even more eerie. The glow lights up the whole lake area. There is no lapping of water on the edges the water is completely still. You can hear a pin drop it is so quiet in this area.

I motion for Asmodeus to watch out. "Stand back and to the side," I say warning him. So he does. My hands swirl smoky shadows and I take a big amount of water and use force and momentum to turn it into a sphere. Then I throw it behind me like I want it to fall off the cliff. I do a bigger one and throw it behind me but I hear Asmodeus and Sam make noises. I look behind me and they are soaked. I laugh hard. Even Sam got wet through the portal.

"Sorry, not sorry," I say. I hear Sam grumble and Asmodeus snicker. Then I start gathering more and more spheres and throwing them off the cliff. I notice no matter how much I throw over the edge the lake is replenishing itself. "The lake is refilling itself," I say frustrated.

This time I take more water and try to drain it faster.

"There look!" I see the top of something black in the water. The water fills back up again. I growl in frustration. "Did you see it?" I ask.

"Nope," Sam says and Asmodeus says the same.

"Then this time actually pay attention." I snap.

I scoop the water out and fling it not caring where it goes. I don't stop this time until there's more of the black thing shown.

"I do see something." Asmodeus says as tiptoeing.

How do I keep the water from refilling? I keep tossing the water out. Then it hits me. I stop time on the water.

"What did you just do?" He asks in shock.

"I cast stop time on the water."

"Wha" He starts to say but then he is speechless.

"You can stop time?!" He asks excitedly.

"I can stop an object. One thing. At a time."

"Can you stop a being?" He asks curious.

"I supposed I can. I've never tried." I laugh and turn to him with a mischievous gleam in my eye.

"Let's try it on Sam." The next second there's a scowl on Sam's face. I place my hands through the portal and stop time on him. I walk over so I'm standing right in Sam's face. His eyes are facing forward but he's not looking at either of us. "Look he even has his little scowl still on his face." I pinch Sam's cheeks and move them back and forth and around. Asmodeus is bent over holding his stomach in laughter. I unstop time on Sam. I must be smiling like a maniac because that was funny. Hearing Asmodeus wheezing from laughter and not being able to breathe is worth it.

Sam looks at us like were confusing him. "What?" Then we both lose it and die with laughter.

I wipe the tears from my eyes walk over and begin draining the lake again until it's completely empty. This lake is bigger than I thought. It goes down very deep.

At the bottom is something big and black. I levitate down to the bottom. Not wanting to take my shirt off and fly. The closer I get the more scary It becomes. It's this horrible monstrosity. it's arms and legs are chained down with big chains like Sam's and Asmodeus's were. I'd free it right away but I don't want to get eaten either. The body of this thing has pointed scales up and down it's body. It has a slimy look to it but again it's been kept in water for a long time as it appears. It has wings sticking out from behind it. It looks like a dragon with a deformity. It's grotesque. It has black beady eyes that are staring at me with hate. The teeth on this thing are gigantic and protrude from it's mouth. Their eyes are off of me and returning to look in front of it. I see on stakes Sam and Asmodeus dead. I gasp out loud in horror. It's frightful to look at. My eyes well up into tears. I turn back to it and it's looking at me even angrier.

"What's down there? Is it her?" Asmodeus shouts.

'I don't know it's some creature." I say confused. I hear him coming in his footsteps leisurely.

I see it's eyes flare open as it hears Asmodeus's voice. A softness comes over it's features but then it blinks away and the malice is back in it's eyes. Even more so on me. I break the spells on the chains then cut each chain one at a time to let it out. It scares me that it might eat me but maybe it will take pity on me for setting it loose. Pretty much what Sam did. As I free it from the binds I watch as it turns into this gorgeous woman with black eyes and platinum blonde hair.

I hear Asmodeus's footfalls a ways away he's coming towards me. I get close to her like in her face and check her over. "Are you harmed? Do you need healing?"

I hold my hand up and as I do I hear Asmodeus yell "No! Don't!" Then her forearm lashes out into my gut and I go flying to the other side of the lake. I do a bunch of hops before I land and my head hits a giant rock. He is running towards me. I'm still in shock. He kneels over me. My eyes feel heavy. The breath knocked out of me.I gasp for air. Asmodeus screams at her "What the fuck did you do that for? What's wrong with you?" I look over his shoulder and there I see it. It's me on a stake now. Shes Leviathan. Shes envy. She jumps high. Higher than I thought someone could and makes it in one leap out of the lake. Then she stalks away. Leaving us behind.

He helps me out of the portal and the next second Sam teleports me in front of my house. I linger feeling awkward. I rub on the back of my head and wince. My eyes start to close. I feel a little off kilter. Sam notices something is wrong and Asmodeus is full of concern. The next second they're gone.

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