Chapter Sixteen: Not What You Need

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"Well, that was interesting." Both of them whip their heads to me.

"We were right. Uriel sees something in me he likes. We made a deal and he broke it so now I own him, control him and he will be forever mine." I cackle maniacally. "He actually seemed pleased about it." I look at them because I don't understand. They just side-look at each other and then look back at me. "What?" I ask wary. Neither one of them says anything. "Then there's the fact that I told them I set you free. Then Michael went bonkers. Since I own Uriel now I can make him protect me from Michael or kick his ass even. I laugh evilly.

"You scare me," Sam says simply.

I furrow my brow. "What? Why?"

"The fact that you got him to agree to that. Is scary." He looks like I make him worrisome.

"Ever think that maybe I'm just a good kisser and have a hot ass?" I say dying laughing. Asmodeus and Sam side-eye each other again. "What?" I say getting uneasy."What's a soul anchor?" I ask them really hoping they know.

"Never heard of it. Why?" Sam asks finding it sounds interesting.

"That's what Uriel called me. A soul anchor." Then I continue with a different topic. "Just cause Uriel is gorgeous and smells good doesn't mean I want to keep kissing him," I say upset.

Instantaneously Sam and Asmodeus look furious. "Hey, you wanted me to do this."

I plop down on the bed and pull the pillow over my face.

I feel someone pull the pillow from my face. I look and Sam looking down leaning over me. "How about I give you some perks? For having to go and deal with Michael and Uriel."

"I'm listening." My face is still distraught.

"For every kiss you have to share with Uriel. I'll let you have one with Asmodeus." He says like he's giving me something grand. Which is grand but Asmodeus isn't Sam. I want Sam.

"What why not you?" My face goes to anger.

"Me?" He asks as if I'm confusing him.

"Stop playing dumb."

I stare up at the ceiling. He's silent for a while.

"I thought you were into Asmodeus."

"I am as my best friend." I inflect the best friend part.

"I thought I was your best friend."

I make a sound of frustration and put the pillow back over my head. He takes it off. I grab it and put it back on. This happens about ten times. I sigh. "What do you want?" I say raise my voice in frustration.

He repeats. "I thought I was your best friend." I'm so angry now. I put the pillow back over my face and say your my everything.

He lifts the pillow. "I didn't hear that."

I look him right in the eyes and yell "You're more than my best friend. You're my everything." I don't care to look at him so I roll on my side and try to get the sheet up but he's sitting on it. I tap him with my foot so he moves and then pull the sheet over my head. Everything stays silent for a long time. No one moves. Sam hasn't moved. I haven't moved. Asmodeus hasn't moved. We are all just frozen here. It stays that way for a long time until Aiden comes in. "We have information on one of the artifacts." Artifacts? I feel Sam get up off the bed. Then I hear footfalls as they leave the room.

Then I feel someone sit down beside me. I feel the sheet pulling away from my face. I tug it and curl it around my hand to keep it there. I feel him come lay down on the bed next to me curl himself around me and hug me to him. I relent and go easily. "Why is he like this?" I ask unhappy.

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