Chapter Forty-Four: Boiled

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The last lock ticks and I jump on the arc and teleport. I land in the teleportation room. I breathe a sigh of relief. Then look at my arms in boils and have my own little freak out. The next second everyone is here. We all look around knowing we were finally victorious and need to go to the next phases of the plan.

Sam comes over to me to hug me but his shirt brushes against my wounds. "Ow Ow. Stop." I say and move away from him. Sam looks down and sees my arms and he starts to freak out. I want to heal myself. Surely that won't damage me too much. I place my hands over my arm and start to heal them.

"No, don't," Sam says reaching for me but I move away. Sam comes for me again but I move away again. Asmodeus starts doing the same thing then I avoid him. I'm almost done and Asmodeus gets to me and grabs me in a hold.

"Stop," Asmodeus says demanding. I go to tell Asmodeus where he can shove it but then I start to cough. I feel something leaking out of my nose and I cough up some blood. I look around at us and I'm covered in gross shit. Everyone is looking at me like their concerned. I look down at my arms and they still look pretty bad.

"Let me finish," I say elbowing Asmodeus.

"No," Sam says looking at me angrily. I feel my jaw tick and then I start to get angry.

"I'll just do it when you're not looking," I say annoyed.

"Then I'll just have to make sure I keep watch of you," Sam says challenging me. "Get the doctor," Sam says to Aiden.

"That's not necessary I can be done in a few seconds." I quip.

"It's taking you longer and longer to heal. So it won't be a few seconds. It will take minutes. Minutes you don't have to waste." Sam says pissed.

The doctor comes in and comes over to me. "We need to stop meeting each other like this." The doctor says with a lopsided grin. "Seems like you always getting injured." The doctor says concerned. "What do we have this time?" The doctor asks curious. I show him. "Oh dear, those are some pretty large boils. I'll need to make some incisions to get them to drain properly. Then you just need to use warm compresses on them and some anti-bacterial soap." The doctor starts simply.

"This is completely unnecessary. They would be gone in a few seconds." I say that everyone is being ridiculous.

"You might not have seconds for all we know if you use your magic." Sam comes directly in my face and in my eye line.

"Do you want to leave me?" Sam says harshly staring into my eyes.

"Of course not," I tell Sam like he is being silly.

"Then don't use your magic," Sam says while staring at me with a strong amount of intensity.

The doctor ignores the awkward scenario. "I'll need gloves, gentle cleansing wipes, wrapping gauze, sterile water, and a scalpel." The doctor states to get the show on the road.

"I'm on it," Aiden says and leaves. I'm not liking being told what to do. Surely healing myself should be a valid workaround. What if it was worse? Would I just die like that without healing myself?

"You need a shower bad," Sam says looking at me like he's disgusted. I glare at him.

"No shit Sherlock," I say frustrated with everything. Sam just looks at me and glares back with his jaw ticked. Asmodeus who's still bracing me in starts laughing. Asmodeus's laughing is jostling me around.

Leviathan comes over and takes a look at my arms. "That looks horrible. Ew, that one is oozing." She says while pointing to it. I look down on my blood-soaked arm and creamy stuff coming from one of the boils. I flair my nostrils.

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