Chapter Seven: The Gift

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There are footsteps outside of my house. Sam enters and sits down closely with me. After a moment I watch as the ashen gray fades from his face and then his body. I watch as his eyes turn brown. He looks at me out of the corner of his eye and just sits there. He looks deranged from all the black blood all over his hands, face, and clothes.

He betrays me, lies to me... There's no way I should feel anything towards him now. Not to mention he's terrifying... a monster... all those demons... his creations.

"Please don't think that way of me." His face is empty.

"You can hear what's inside my head?" It's a horrifying notion.

"I can see into anyone's head who is part of hell."

That's... He knows every single one of my thoughts. Does he use them for his benefit?

"In order to know what I can torture you with I need to see inside your head. Which is why it is useful. Since I'm the one to torture souls in hell."

I think about this. "What could you torture me with?"

He looks as if he's pondering this for a moment debating on whether he should say it or not but he does. "Me."

I swallow knowing this is completely accurate. Also embarrassing because he knows how much I care for him. When I thought it had been safely in locks inside my head.

"I'll give you one gift for freeing me. What do you want?"

My brain immediately responds saying you. Ah fuck.

I look out the corner of my eye and he is sitting looking expressionless. He's good at that.

I think about this. There's only one thing I can think of.

"I'd like it so that you can't see inside my head anymore."

"That I won't do."


"I like seeing inside your head. I've grown quite accustomed to it."

I blush like the nerd I am.

"I'd prefer privacy."

"So you're saying out of the vast many things in the world I could get you all you want is for me to not see inside your head?" He turns to look at me disbelievingly.

I think for a moment. "Yes, exactly."

He narrows his eyes at me like he thinks I'm up to something. Yet how can that be he can literally see what I'm thinking.

I blink at him waiting for his response. He looks to the side thinking something.

"There's nothing else? Anything? I wanted to give you a gift but you're asking too much."

"Okay fine. You can keep my thoughts as long as I can see yours." I quip.

He bristles and then quickly responds. "It's a deal I won't see inside your head anymore"

"Thank you," I say then smile.

"Shall we seal the promise of the gift?" He leans into me. There's a small spark in his eye that I've never seen before.

Not quite sure what seal the promise meant then it hit me. Seal with a kiss. I lean into him and close my eyes. It takes a moment and then his lips are on mine. The kiss is soft as if we are both hesitant or think each other is breakable. The kiss is slow and I want it to last forever. Our lips are moving together as one. As if we both have been kissing together like this for eons. I go to pull him to me and that's when he breaks the kiss. I feel like my brain is foggy. If he's looking at my face he would be able to tell I'm barely lucid.

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