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           ~Get Away From My Man~

   Today is mine and Eddie's 2 year anniversary. And I wanted to surprise him since he's at the studio with his band. I got off work early,went to the store, and bought him the new Black Sabbath album and a cake. I drove to the studio, add when I got there,I noticed there was a female on Eddie's lap,playing with his hair. I placed everything on the table outside the studio and walked in. I walked over to the female,grabbed a fist full of her hair and oulled her off his lap "Get away from my man you fucking bitch!" I dragged her out the room with her hair still in my hand. She looks at me and says "What the fuck are you doing? And who the hell are you?" I looked at her and said "I happen to be Eddie's girlfriend. Today is our two year anniversary. Now why the fuck were you cozying up on his lap for? He don't belong to you so you have no damn right to sit down on his lap." She stares at me and said "Do you even know who the fuck I am?" I shook my head and said "Nope,and I don't want to know. Now if I was you,I would run away as fast as you can. You stupid skank!" She grabs her purse off the chair and before she walked out the door,she turns to look at me and said "Just for your info,he told me he wasn't in a relationship,so I figured I would take advantage of that. He is fucking sexy!" I walked up to her and punched her so hard in the face. Making her nose bleed.

   She holds her nose and storms out of the studio. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my knuckles off. I turned around and to my surprise,there stood Eddie. I walked over to him and tried to give him a hug,but he quickly denied it. Which he never does. He looks pissed off at me. "What the fuck was that? Do you know what you have done? That was Trina Sparks,she was supposed to be singing the female part in one of our songs. Now you have gone and screwed that up. I think we actually need to take a break for a while so I can have sometime to think." I couldn't believe what was happening. "But Eddie,it''s our two year anniversary,why are you doing this now? She fucking deserved it. She had no damn right to be sitting on your lap and playing with your hair. You don't belong to her. So she shouldn't have done that."

   Eddie sits down on the chair and said "You know what! Just because it's our two year anniversary doesn't mean shit to me now. You have ruined it for us and that is just pure bullshit. So can you please do us a favor and leave. And don't come back." I tried to speak to him,but he turns around and starts talking to the band. I was actually hurt,so I grabbed my purse. Before I left,I turned around and said "I bought you a present and a chocolate cake. Happy Anniversary and always remember,that I will always love you." I walked out of the studio with tears in my eyes. Our anniversary was ruined because of some dumb bitch trying to steal him away from me.

  ~Eddie's POV~

     I can not believe that Y/n did that. What are we gonna do now? How are we gonna find another female singer in the matter of 2 weeks? She shouldn't have come here in the first place. Like fuck,it wasn't like I was take her into another studio and fuck the shit out of her. I just don't understand why she couldn't trust me. Gareth looks at me and said "Man,it was kind of wrong on your end for not telling Trina that you were already in a relationship. You just told her that you didn't have anyone. When we saw her on your lap,and playing your hair,you did nothing to even stop her. And that is wrong. Y/n is a good girl and you just let her go. It broke my heart from the way you speaking to her. I think you need to go and apologize to her,before something big happens. And by the way,she did actually leave you something. It is over there on the side table."

   I turned around and noticed a black and red bag with a card taped to the side. I opened the card and read that first. "Hey baby. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am to be with you for two years now. The love I have for you is always gonna be unconditional. You are my everything. You are my knight in shining armour. You have been there for me through thick and thin. So happy two year anniversary lovebug. Love you so much! Hope you like your gift. ~Y/n~ ❤️." What she wrote was beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. I opened up the bag and to my surprise it was yhe new Black Sabbath album. She went out of her way and bought me something. And all I did was break her damn heart over something stupid. I need to find away to get her back before she actually thinks this is a breakup. I don't want to lose her.

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now