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                   ~Lips Of An Angel~


    Y/n and I had an amazing relationship. We were always there for one another. Wherever I go, I always have her come. We were seriously unseparable. But that had changed  3 years later, in 1989. I have been smoking way too much and always getting drunk when I am out with my friends. I came home way too late, and she would be really pissed off. "Do you know what time it is? It's 3 in the morning. And...and you smell like alcohol. How much have you had to drink?" I was starting not to like the way she is talking to me. So I looked at her and said, "It doesn't matter what I do. And yeah, I had some beers, but you aren't the boss of me. You can't tell me what I can and can not do. Stop being such a bitch!"

  I did something, that I regret doing. I swung at her and smacked her across her face. Then I took her by the wrist and tossed her onto the floor. I can hear her gasping for breath, holding her face in the process. I slapped her one last time. Then I hear her crying even louder. "EDDIE, PLEASE STOP! YOU'RE... YOU'RE HURTING. STOP, EDDIE, STOP!" Something in me clicked. I snapped out of it and noticed that she had blood dripping from the spot. I smacked her and blood dripping down her legs. I walked closer to her, but she flinched and backed away from me. She was scared of me. What have I done. I got down to her level and said, "Baby, I...I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you!" She stares at me with hatered in her eyes. I don't fucking blame her for hating me. Look what I have done to her. She screams at me while holding her stomach. "I WAS PREGNANT YOU FUCKING IDIOT! YOU AND ME ARE DONE. I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" She was pregnant! Fuck! I never meant to hurt her like this. What was I even thinking? That's right, I wasn't thinking.

   She grabs a hold of the coffee table and tries to stand up. But she screams out in pain. Tears well up in my eyes. What have I done? I lend her my hand, but she rejects it. It took her a while to get up, but she managed. Blood is still dripping down her leg. "Y/n, please let me take you to the hospital. You are bleeding quite a lot!" She stands up, holding onto the arm of the couch. She laughs and says "I don't need anything from you. I don't even need your damn help. You hurt me Eddie! I thought you loved me." I look at her with tears in my eyes and said "I do still love you sweetheart. Please forgive me. I was drunk!" She shakes her head and said "I need you to leave. I can find another way to the hospital. We are done, Eddie!" Those last words hurt me. 3 years of a beautiful relationship has gone to hell all because I come home drunk off my ass.

   It has been 4 months since Y/n left me. I haven't been the same. She did miscarry the baby and it was all my damn fault. She is now dating Steve Harrington, my best friend. I see the way he treats her, he treats her like she is his everything. Her smile is back, she is finally happy. Me on the other hand, is still hurting at the loss of her. Hurting her was never my intentions. But she is happy and Steve made her that way. I ended up finding a girlfriend. She is beautiful, but she isn't Y/n. Nothing can compare to her. Y/n was special, she was my everything. My heart and soul will always belong to her.

  *Time Skip*

   2 months later, I get a phone call. I get out of bed and answered it. To my surprise it's Y/n. And it sounds like she has been crying. If Steve has done something to her, I would kill him. Even though Y/n and I aren't together, I still want to do everything in my power to protect her. "Eddie!" She says in a sob. My heart sank. "I...I talk you. Can...can we talk?" I looked back towards the bedroom where my girl was sleeping peacefully. I walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table. I spoke into the receiving end of the phone. "Yeah, we can talk. But we need to make it quick. Because my girl is in the next room. Everything okay?" She hesitated, but in a shaky voice, she came out and said "Steve...Steve cheated on me with Stephanie. I...I caught him our bed. I...I don't know what...what to do. I am torn. I thought I trusted him!"

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now