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~Just A Bet~


This story is gonna be a little sad. By the time I wrote this story, I cried just a little. Don't ever date anyone and find out that you are just a bet. Because this is how Y/n. Then something happens to her towards the end. I am sorry in advance.


One day, I was hanging out with my friends at our favorite cafe. One of my friends, Cassie, brought up something that hurt me. "Y/n, I don't know if anyone has told you this, but the other day, we overheard Eddie and his friends talking about you. I heard one of his friends say,'Have you told her yet?' I was a bit confused, so I kept listening. That's when I heard Eddie come out and say,'Nah, man, she doesn't know about the bet, yet. I am just getting right with this girl.' Y/n, hon! I am truly sorry! You need to go and talk to him about it. Girl, you have been his bet for 3 months. You need to take a stand." I couldn't believe what I just heard. I looked at my friends and said, "I think I am just gonna head home. I am just too devastated to even eat anything."

I got up and grabbed my purse. I left the cafe and headed home. I couldn't believe that I was a fucking a bet. I have to break up with him somehow, but I just don't know how well it's gonna go. I get back to my place and noticed that there were flowers outside of my door. With a note that read 'I love you so much, babe 🖤' I knew who this was from. I picked the flowers up and decided to toss them in the trash. If he really loved me,I wouldn't be just a bet to him.

I laid down on my bed and noticed the picture of Eddie and I on my nightstand. I took it and tossed it up against the wall. Now there is glass shattered on the floor. I can't have anything that belongs to him. The shirt that he had given me, I took a pair of scissors and cut it up. I placed the scissors back down on my desk, and then I took the photo frame that was now shattered into a million pieces placed it along with the shredded shirt into my backpack. I decided that I was gonna return them back to Eddie with a note. I sat down at my desk, took out my notebook, and a pen. I began to write.

After I wrote the letter, I went outside and retrieved the flowers from the trash can. And put everything inside my car. I got in and drove all the way to Eddie's. When I got there, I noticed that he wasn't there. So I placed the stuff on his porch, where he can see. Hopefully, he will get the picture. I parked my car a little ways down from his place. And waited for him to return home. After 25 minutes of waiting, Eddie's van pulls up. He gets out and notices the stuff by the door. He looked around to see who it was from. Apparently, he got the hint when he saw the flowers that he left me earlier that day. After Eddie brought that stuff inside, I decided to head back home.

Eddie's POV

I pulled up to my trailer and noticed the backpack and the flowers I have given to Y/n earlier today were sitting on the front porch. I don't know why she was returning these flowers. I went inside with all the stuff. I opened up the backpack and noticed the shirt I have given her was cut up into shreds and the picture frame containing a picture of us was shattered. I don't have a damn clue why these are ruined. Did I do something wrong, to make her pissed off at me? I noticed a piece of paper. I opened it and read it outloud.

I don't know what to say. All I want you to know is I found out from a few friends of mine that I was just a bet to you. I thought I actually found true love in you. But I was so wrong. So for the past 3 months, I was your little bet! How much did you get from this bet? I am truly curious. I feel when you say you love me, you don't actually mean it. Because deep down, in your blackened soul, you gave two shits about me. All I was, was your damn toy. Well, I am done being your toy, and I am done being your bet. I loved you, Eddie. I truly did. But now I know that I never meant anything to you. So by me writing this letter and returning the stuff that has been associated with you. Yes, the picture of us is now shattered, and the shirt is now in shreds, and here's the flowers back as well. I feel like they belong to someone who wasn't a damn bet. Thanks for fucking nothing. I really thought that we could actually be a thing. Get married and start a family. But that's never gonna happen, because I...AM...A...FUCKING...BET! I had a damn feeling that a guy as fucking hot as you are, will ever fall in love with a geek like me. I am not what you need. I was never good enough for you. I have been there for you through all the struggles you were dealing with. And when you needed help, I was there to help you.

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now