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                      ~Class Of '86~

*Author's Note*

   Here is the second part. Hope you all will like it. Because in this story Eddie and Y/n, make-up. And when I say "make-up," I mean these two go at it like animals.


   It has been 3 months since Eddie came back into Daisy's life. Even though he was absent from her life for 20 years. But seeing these two bond over the same things is quite a sight for my eyes. I was in the kitchen making dinner, when I heard Eddie strum the guitar and Daisy starts to sing. The song they were singing was 'Runaway' from Bon Jovi. I knew that Daisy could sing. She had performed in the middle school and high school talent shows. Came in first place every time. I stand in the archway leading to the living room, admiring the beautiful bonding moment between a father and his daughter. After the song ended, Eddie placed the guitar alongside the couch and said, "Daisy, you sing beautifully. Are you sure you are my daughter?"

  Daisy gives Eddie a hug and says, "Of course I am your daughter, dad. I am spitting an image of you, but in female form. Thanks for coming over. Do you mind staying for dinner?" Eddie looks at Daisy and said,"Of course I will stay. But it's up to your mom." Daisy walks over to me and takes my hand and says,"Mom, is it okay if dad stays for dinner? Please,please,please,please, mom!!!!" She is giving me her puppy dog eyes and her pouty lip. I looked over at Eddie and then back at Daisy. I agreed. "Yes, he is more than welcome to stay for dinner." She jumps up and down, hugs me once more, and goes back over to Eddie. Where she wraps him up in a hug. He looks over her shoulder and stares at me. He mouths "Thank you" and continues with the hug. I nodded my head and said, "You're welcome."

I went back towards the kitchen to continue with my cooking. I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I knew it was Eddie, just by the rings on his left hand. I totally forgot how gentle his touch was. He takes the spatula out of my hand and places it on the counter. He turns me around to face him. Once my eyes were locked with his, he looked at me and said, "I truly do miss you, darling. I wish I wasn't such a cocky teenager. The day you walked out of my life was the day I kicked myself in the ass for letting such a woman like yourself walk out that door. I sat back and thought that maybe I would have been a good father. Maybe I would do just fine. But no, my ass had to let you slip away. I have tried to get you back. I've been calling your parents' phone, only for them to tell me that I am a screw up amd to never call back there again. Your parents were right, sweetheart, I am totally screw up. I fucked up that's for sure. I lost the woman who truly cared about me. I just wish I had a damn time machine and make things work again."

  Before Eddie could finish what he was saying, I placed my lips on top of his. Eddie brings his hand and cups my cheek, the other hand behind my neck. We were so caught up in the moment, that we heard a throat clearing and "Please get a damn room you two. You guys aren't in high school anymore. There is too much PDA going on here." Eddie and I laughed and then pulled away from the kiss. I looked at Daisy and said "Did that gross you out sweetheart?" She walks past us and sits down at the table and said "Well yeah, it grossed me out a bit. Seeing my mom and dad kissing in the kitchen, when they should be making dinner. I maybe 20 years old, but I ain't stupid. If you two want to go do the woo-hoo, then go into the bedroom. Make sure you lock the door. And I will finish cooking up dinner." She takes her finger and makes herself gag in the process.

  Eddie and I laughed a bit. I went back to cooking and Eddie joined Daisy at the table. I felt Eddie's eyes burning through me. I turned my head slightly to my left and sure enough, he was staring at me. I shook my head and said "What you staring at Munson? Don't you need to spend time with your daughter?" Eddie stands back up and walks towards me and whispers in my ear "I know you maybe my ex and the mother to my child, but I have been thinking about you ever since we broke up. I miss you so damn much. I miss your touch, I miss your....SEX! I miss everything about you. So me, staring at you, isn't a crime. It's just me kicking myself in the ass for letting you go." Daisy clears her throat and says "Okay, I can feel the sexual tension build up between the two of you. I can tell that you, mother, are very tense. Because you told me that everytime you and dad hooked up as teens that his touch always made you extremely 'happy'. So if you guys want to jump each others bones, then take it to the bedroom. I will finish up dinner!"

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now