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~I'll Never Love Again~

*Author's Note*

Just a heads up, this story is gonna be a sad one. I can't tell you what happens, but it will leave your heart broken when you read it. So enjoy! The song "Never Love Again" is from Lady Gaga. So, if you want to listen to the song, you can find it on YouTube.

Being in the upside down, I told Eddie not to deviate from the plan. But with Eddie wanting to be the brave one, he decided that he needed to buy the others' time. He left me and Dustin behind, and he cut the rope. Dustin and I were screaming at Eddie. Telling him to stop and not to do it. He was being so damn stubborn. And with me being pregnant and nobody else knew, not even my brother. I was four months along, so I couldn't do much. I jumped through the roof and back into the upside down. I ran out the trailer door and saw the demobats attacking Eddie. I ran as fast as I could to his side. As soon as I got there, the bats all fell to the ground. Eddie, too, was lying on the ground as well.

I ran over to him and noticed that he was attacked and bitten by the bats. He was losing a lot of blood. I sat down and laid his head upon my lap. I ran my hand through his curls, and with tears in my eyes, I said, "Baby, you are so stupid. Why would you do something so dumb for? We told you not to deviate from the plan, but you did anyways. Why, Eddie, why?" Eddie tries to smile at me, I can tell he was in pain. My heart was aching. He placed his hand on my face and said, "You shouldn't have come, darling. You are pregnant. I want you to take care of our little rockstar for me. Make sure they know that their daddy was a damn hero and that he didn't run away this time. You need to go and graduate, sweetheart. I want you to move on!" He choked on some blood in the process. Tears were falling from his eyes when he saw me crying. "Baby, please don't cry. I won't be hurting anymore. Promise me, you will take care of our little peanut!" I look at him and said "I promise, baby. I will miss you, Eddie. You will always be in my heart. And I will always remember you and the love we use to share."

As soon as I said those words, Eddie started to slowly close his eyes. His heartbeat was slowly beating. Tears were falling down his face. I ran my hand over his cheek. I lowered my head and placed my lips on his for the very last time. His breathing was coming to an end. I laid my head upon his chest and listened to his heart before it stopped beating. I looked up at him, and he was gone. My Eddie was gone. With tears in my eyes, I took my fingers and gently closed his eyes. I placed a kiss on his cheek and said, "I will never forget you, Eddie. You will always and forever be a part of me." I saw the others run over to me. They noticed that Eddie had risked his life to save theirs. It broke their hearts to know that I just lost the love of my life. Dustin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. They helped me up, and they carried me out of the upside down.

The next day, Steve and Hopper went back to the upside down to pick up Eddie's body to give him a proper burial. Planning a funeral wasn't what I wanted to be doing. And it hurt me to the point where I cried myself to sleep. I did end up telling everyone that I was pregnant with Eddie's baby. They were happy and sad at the same time. Because Eddie's never gonna get to know his baby boy. And that tears me apart.

It has been 5 months since Eddie's been gone. My heart is aching. As the doctor placed my son in my arms, she looked at me and asked, "Does this angel have a name yet?" I looked at my boy, kissed his tiny head, and said,"I am gonna name him after his beloved father. Who risked his life to save ours. He was our hero! So his name is gonna be Edward Munson Jr." A tear rolled down my face. I looked at my son and said, "Your daddy would have loved you, sweetheart. I know he may not be in here in person, but he will always be in our hearts." I wish Eddie was here to see how beautiful his son really is. A week after little Eddie was born, I decided to visit Eddie's grave. Of course, I brought baby Eddie along. I placed the car seat next to Eddie's grave. I ran my fingers over his name that was engraved into the stone. With a tear in my eye, I said, "Eddie, I would like you to meet your son. I named him after you. I miss you so damn much, baby. Why did you have to leave me so damn soon? I wanted us to be a family. But with you gone, it's tearing me apart, knowing that I will never see your beautiful face again. If you were still here. You probably would be holding our son and singing to him and telling him that he will grow up and be a rockstar, just like you. Fuck Eddie, I miss you. But anyways, I have written you a song. I hope you can hear me?" I start to sing. I tried my best not to shed a tear, but it was quite hard.

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now