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~Getting Caught And Taking It Into My Own Hands!~

I have been friends with Eddie Munson for 10 years. He was 9, and I was 8 at the time we became best friends. When we both reached middle school,I started to have a crush on him. I also dreamt of him being my boyfriend. It's weird,but it's true. Whenever he is next to me or he takes my hand when we are running to our next class,it sends chills through my 12 year old body.

Now, we are both in high school. He has grown his hair long. His style of clothing has changed as well. I feel like he has gotten more attractive. And I think he knows that I am falling for him,because whenever he catches me eye fucking him,he would either wink my way or blow me kisses. Which makes my face blush. His smile is so fucking sexy. I wish he was mine. But he ended up getting himself a girlfriend. Her name was Chrissy. She was the head cheerleader. It broke me seeing those two together. But their relationship didn't last long. Eddie would come to school,looking like he hasn't slept in days. So I walk over to him and ask. "Eds,what's the matter? You know you can tell me anything."

Eddie sits down on the picnic table, and I follow. He looks down at the ground. Fiddling with the rings on his fingers. I knew something had happened. Because I have never seen him this way. So he tells me what happened. "I was at home with Chrissy. We started to make out,but then she quickly pulled away. I asked what's the matter was,so she said that she was only dating me because she felt bad for me. She was forced to date me to see how I am. But we never got that far. So she broke up with me last night." I wrap my arm around his waist and lay my head on his shoulder. I looked up into his brown eyes and said, "Eddie,I had a feeling that she was just using you. Why didn't you open your eyes to see that she didn't have feelings for you. With a guy like you,you will eventually find someone just as beautiful as Chrissy. The bell is about to ring for the next class. I will see you there,okay!" I placed a kiss on his cheek. I grabbed my backpack and walked back through the woods to get back to the school. Leaving Eddie alone at the picnic table.

*Eddie's POV *

I can't believe Y/n is right. I can find someone just as beautiful as Chrissy. The problem is,she is my best friend. I have had a crush on Y/n since the 8th grade. She is perfect for me. How come I never realized that? The way she walks and the way she talks,drives me fucking crazy. She may have been a nerd in middle school,but she was my nerd. Now she had damn glow up. Damn,the way she dresses. The short skirts that she wears and whenever she bends over to pick something up, her ass cheeks hang out. I'm like fuck,she is my friend,but shit,the things I would do to her.

I headed back to the school and noticed that she was in the office. Standing in from of the receptionist. Damn,she is leaning over the desk,and she is standing on her tippy toes as well. I felt my member get hard under my jeans. I looked down and realized that it was noticeable. I quickly ran to the boys' bathroom and went into one of the empty stalls. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled my jeans down to my ankles and started to stroke myself up and down. I pretend it's her hand jacking me off. So I ended up moaning her name when I started to hit my release. When I feel like I am about to let loose,I stroke my cock faster and faster until I bust. After I finished, I took some toilet paper to clean myself up. I pulled my jeans back up and walked out of the stall. I went to the sink and washed my hand. I can't believe that I just masterbated while thinking about Y/n. What is wrong with me?

I walk out of the bathroom and bump into Y/n. She stares at me with her big beautiful eyes. Shit the way she stares at me is doing something to me. "Oh hey Eddie,everything okay?" She waves her hand in front of my face,"Earth to Eddie. Are you okay?" I finally snapped out of whatever trance I was in. Whenever she stares at me,I feel like I was lost in her eyes. "Oh yeah,uhm,I am okay. But uhh,I have to uhh leave early. I have something to take care of!" She looks at me confused. Her head tilted to the side. Damn,why does she have to be so damn hot? I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the school. Leaving her standing in the middle of the hallway,confused as can be.

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