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          ~ I Want To Have a Threesome~

    Eddie and I have been together for 6 months. One day, while Eddie and I were in the middle of having sex,he asked me a weird question. "Baby,I was thinking about spicy up our sex life a little. I mean, like we can have threesomes or something!" I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. I stared at him while he was finger fucking me and said "Seriously Eddie! You out of all people want to have a threesome. And who would that third person be? And are they gonna be willing to do this?" Eddie goes faster with his hand on my clit. I hit my orgasm. Once I released,Eddie kjsses my lips and said "I was thinking either Billy,Steve or maybe Gareth could join. You can choose whoever!" I looked at him while I was running my fingers through his hair and said "Lets ask the three of them first. Get their reaction on this crazy idea of yours. Now enough with the talking,can you fuck me please!" Eddie flips me over onto my hands and knees. Ass all up in the air. He smacks it a few times which turned me on.

He lines his cock with my entrance and thrusts hard into me. He grips my hips and thrusts into me harder and harder. He brings his hand down my arched back and wraps it around my throat. He brings me back towards him and he whispers in my ear "If we have a threesome,that would be so damn hot seeing another man fuck this pretty pussy of yours. I want them to know how it feels to fuck it." He grips tighter onto my throat,I throw my arms around his neck. He fucks so good. This position hits the right spots everytime we fuck. He then runs his hand down my body and in between my thighs. He rubs his thumb in circles on my swollen clit. I laid my head back onto his chest. Breathing heavy,skin covered in sweat and goosebumps. Legs starting to shake. I was getting weak in the knees for him. He pounds into me at a faster pace. His hand goes faster on my clit. I tightened my grip around his neck when I hit my second release. I coated every inch of his cock and thighs. He moans at the feeling. Once we both hit our releases,he slowly pulls out of me. He lays down next to me and brings up the whole threesome thing again." I am gonna go and call Gareth and Steve. You call Billy since he is your ex."

Yes,I dated Billy 3 years ago and broke up last year. We do talk,but not all the time though. It is gonna be really weird to call him up and ask him if he wants to join Eddie and I in a threesome. How will he react? And will he feel comfortable having sex with his ex and her new boyfriend? We will never know,until we ask. It only took 10 minutes for Eddie to get off of the phone. After he got off he comes in the room and says "Well Steve and Gareth are not comfortable with the idea. So our only shot is...Billy! Go ahead and call him and see what he says." Eddie didn't sound too confident about it,but he had me call him anyways.

The phone rings for a few seconds and then I hear his familiar voice "Hello this is Billy speaking! May I ask whose calling?" I stayed silent for a moment. My heart was racing. After a minute I finally spoke to him "Hey Billy,it's Y/n. I have a question to ask you or better yet,a favor!" Billy hesitated to talk to me,but he finally speaks. "Are you and Eddie done the shit hole and you need me to come and fix it? Or is it something else you needed to ask?" I was a little worried about what he was gonna say after I ask "Well what I am about to ask you,is actually Eddie's idea. He thought of this idea while we were,you know,having sex. Would you want to have a threesome with the two of us? We have asked Gareth and Steve,but they aren't wiling to do it. So you are our only hope!"

Billy was silent,then he responded "To be honest with you,I am down to do whatever you want sweetheart. If it gets to having sex with you,I would totally do it." I was a bit weirded out by his answer,but also relieved. So I told him "Let me ask Eddie when he wants to do this and I will call you back with an answer." He okayed it. I hung up the phone and went to Eddie,who was waiting patiently for an answer. "Well,what did Hargrove say?" I sat down on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and said "He agreed. He's willing to do it. But I have to call him back of when you want to do this and at what time!"

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now