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Eddie and I got into a huge fight a few months ago. The fight was over him cheating on me with Heather. Who was supposed to be my best friend. I disowned both of them. Told them that they were perfect for each other. I decided to move out of Hawkins and go live with my aunt in San Diego. I miss my friends Steve,Robin, and Nancy. They welcomed me into their friend group when Eddie and I started dating. They were so sweet to me. But now thay I moved away. I lost touch with them, and it broke my heart.

I sat down on my aunt's couch, with a notebook and a pencil in my hand. My aunt walks into the living room with a snack bowl. "Darling, are you okay? You have been a little bit down since you came here. Is this about a boy? Please tell me, sweetheart!" I sat the notebook on the couch and looked at my aunt with tears in my eyes. She pulls me into a hug and rubs my back. "Oh honey, let it out. I am here for you. It's alright!" I looked up at here and said,"I just miss him, Aunt Grace. He was the love of my life. I don't know what I did wrong for him to go behind my back and cheat on me. Am I even worthy?" Tears keep rolling down my face. I was hurt, torn, and broken-hearted. My friends were right, never fell in love with a man who would turn out to be a cheater.

I never expected someone like Eddie to stop loving me. Or to even break my heart. I thanked my aunt for the snack bowl and went to bed. I cried myself to sleep, like I have been doing for the past 3 months. He was very reckless with my heart. He took it from my chest and tossed it around like it meant nothing to him.

The next morning, my aunt wakes me up and says, "Sweetheart, there is a nice young lady on the phone. She wants to speak to you." I rolled over in my bed and took the phone from my aunt's hand. I heard a voice start to speak. "Y/n, it's Robin." I sat up in my bed and spoke back."Oh my god, Hi Robin. How have you been?" Robin answers me back."Girl, Steve and Nancy have been begging me to try and get you to come back here and visit. They truly miss you, and so do I." I hesitated to speak then after a few moments."Fine, I will come back. But you have to promise me that Eddie will not be around. I don't want to see him." Robin agreed."That's fine by me. I will let the others know. So when are you coming?" I sat on my bed and thought. Then I spoke through the phone, "I will leave tomorrow afternoon. Should be there in Hawkins the following morning. Since it's a 16-hour drive." Robin got so excited that she decided to shout through the phone."OH MY GOD! MY BESTIE IS COMING BACK. I CAN'T WAIT! LOVE YOU SO MUCH Y/N. SEE YOU IN A FEW DAYS!"

After hanging up with Robin, I went downstairs and told my aunt my plan. She was happy that I was going to do something productive and not stay around the house and mope all day long. I ate some breakfast, then went back upstairs to pack my suitcase for a week. I was happy that I was going back. But I'm a little nervous, knowing that Eddie is friends with Robin,Nancy, and Steve. And I am hoping that I won't bump into him. Or let him get in my head. I just really don't want to see him at the moment. But I have a gut feeling, I might bump into him.

I went on with the rest of the day. Did some laundry and dishes. Cooked dinner for Aunt and I since she was working late. I put her dinner in the fridge with a note on top. I went to my room and changed into my nightie. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Looked at the clock on my nightstand and it read 10:35pm. Since I have to get up early, I might as well get to bed. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I might have fallen asleep because I woke up with the sun blaring through my window. I looked back at my clock and it read 7:18am. I quickly got up and went to my closet. I put on some leggings and my Iron Maiden shirt. I put on my hightops and put my hair into a ponytail. I went into the bathroom and put on some makeup, and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my suitcase that I put by my bedroom door. I went downstairs, and my aunt was in the kitchen making breakfast. "Good morning, darling. How did you sleep last night?" I grabbed some pancakes and eggs with a cup of coffee and said,"I slept great. Can't wait to see my friends back in Hawkins." My aunt comes up behind me and gives me a hug and a kiss on top of my head. "I am very happy that you are feeling up to driving that far. How long are you gonna be up there for?" I stuffed my mouth with some eggs and then said,"I will be gone for a week or so. I really do miss my friends. And plus there is a song that I want them to listen to. I wrote it a month ago." My aunt already knows what the song is about, so there was no need for her to ask me who it was about. After I ate my breakfast and finished my coffee, I washed my dishes and placed a kiss on my aunt's head and said, "I will call you when I get there. I love you so much, Aunt Grace!" She stands up and gives me a hug and says,"I love you too, sweetheart. Please promise you will be safe." I hugged her even tighter and said,"I promise you that I will call you every day to keep you updated." She nods her head and walks me out to my car.

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