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                      ~A Wild Night~

  Corroded Coffin just signed a record deal. They have been waiting for this moment since the 10th grade. It is now 1988, and I happen to be engaged with the lead guitarist Eddie Munson. Him and I have been dating since we were in the 12th grade. We graduated together in 1986, and 6 months later, he proposes to me. Let's get back to you now. I decided to throw a congratulations party for the boys here at my place. They, of course, invited some friends. And I invited some of mine. Steve walks over to me and hands me a red solo cup with alcohol in it. I quickly turned it down. Steve looks at me and says, "Ms. L/n is turning down beer! What are you pregnant or something?" I looked at him, and his eyes went wide. He quickly caught on."Does Eddie know that you're pregnant? And when did you find out?" I smiled and said,"No, Eddie doesn't know just yet. I am gonna tell him some time tonight. I took three tests last night. And they all came back positive." Steve gives me a hug and said,"Go find your fiance and tell him he is gonna be a daddy." I nod my head and go searching for Eddie through the crowd of people.

   After 5 minutes of searching. I had found him. And to my surprise, he was making out with another woman. I was pissed. I walked over to the two of them, grabbed the woman by her hair, and yanked her off of his lap. I looked at him and said "What the fuck, Eddie!" His face turns bright red from embarrassment.  I quickly walked away from him and went into my room. He must have followed because he knocks on my door. "Go away, Eddie. I have nothing to say to you." He wouldn't stop knocking. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, EDDIE. WE ARE THROUGH!" The knocking had finally stopped, I wondered if he got the memo and walked away. But no, he found another way to get into my room, and that was by kicking my door in. I stared at him with wide eyes and said "That wasn't fucking necessary, now was it!"

   He walks towards me with a pissed off look on his face. He did something that he had never done before. He raises his right hand and smacks me across the face with it. I held my cheek because the pain was unbearable. I can't believe he just did that. The alcohol and the drugs are getting to him because this is the side of Eddie that I have never seen before. Tears rolled down my face. Eddie snaps out of whatever the fuck he was in and realized what he just did. He sits down next to me and tries to place his hand on my thigh, but I quickly rejected it. "Don't...fucking...touch me! I can't stand being in this room with you. You are a cheating scumbag. We are engaged to be married, Eddie and all youncare about is sucking faces with a blonde headed bimbo. What is the point of us even being together, if you don't know the proper meaning of being engaged or being in a relationship. Explain to me what I just saw Eddie? Who kissed who first? And don't lie to me." Eddie stares at me, and starts fiddling around with the rings on his fingers. He is trying to come up with an explanation.

   He finally spits out "I am sorry for what I did. That chick meant nothing to me. She kissed me first. And with me being drunk and what not, I kept kissing her, not realizing right then and there that I had you in my life. I am truly sorry for everything, sweetheart. I want you to believe me." I got up off the bed and paced back and forth in my room. I stand in front of him and said "Do I mean anything to you? Do you even care about me? Do you even want to marry me? Explain all of that to me, Eddie. I need ever detail, so I know if I should return this ring back to you." Eddie sits there and stares at me. "You do mean everything to me,Y/n. I even care more about you than I care about myself. And yes I want to marry you. You are being over protective of me. I am 22 years old, I am a big boy who can take care of himself. I don't need you to tell me what I can and cannot do." I couldn't believe he said that last part. I went up to him l, leaned forward and said "So you are telling me that you can do whatever the fuck you want. Okay, so if that is what you actually want to do, than how about you take this ring and shove it up your cheating ass. We are done, Eddie. I trusted you. You just told me that you cared for me and that you wanted to still marry me. That was some kind of joke to make me actually believe a word you just said. I had plans to tell you something tonight. But now that it is over between the two of us, there is no need to tell you anything."

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now