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  ~I Will Be Taking Care Of You Tonight~

   It was mine and Eddie's three year anniversary. So we decided on either we go to Benny's Diner and have a burger or we go to the bar and get drunk off our asses. We had some disagreements, but we decided to go to the bar. I put on a skimpy red satin dress that was short enough to where you are able to see my ass cheeks peeking out from under it. Eddie would admire through the mirror. He would get up and wrap his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear, "You look good enough to eat, dollface. That dress is turning me on. You are so fucking sexy baby girl!" He turns me around and looks down and eye balls my cleavage that happened to be on full display. Drool dripping from the sides of his mouth. This man is such a damn horndog.

   Eddie runs his hand down to ass and smacks it a couple times. "Man I want to eat you up, sweetheart!" He kisses my lips. "Eds, we have to get going. Maybe when we leave the bar and come back home, I will take care of you. How does that sound, loverboy?" He groans and said "Okay, fine. But you know I like to be the one in control." I smiled at my husband and said "Oh I know you do baby! That's why I am gonna take over tonight. Now lets get out of here, before the bar gets crowded." I kissed his lips again and did a double look into the mirror to make sure I looked good.

   We get to the bar and found a booth. I sat down and Eddie went to get some drinks for us. I wasn't paying any attention to the surrounding area, when a gentleman that I don't know comes over to me. He slides in next to me, I was nervous, he licks his lips and said "Damn baby girl, why is such a beautiful woman like yourself sitting by yourself." I looked behind him and smiled when I saw Eddie approaching. Eddie sets the drinks down and said "This beautiful woman belongs to me. So she isn't sitting alone. Now I think it's best you get your ass out of this booth and leave. Before I knock your ass out." The guys gets out of the booth and gets into Eddie's face and said " That pretty young lady is dating you? What did she ever see in you?"

   Eddie looks at the guy with a shit eating grin and said "Actually she is my wife. We are married." Eddie flaunts his wedding band. The gentleman was about to swing, when I got up and kicked him in the balls from behind. The guy falls to the floor. Eddie smirks and said "Damn baby, that was fucking hot." He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me hard on my lips. I looked into his beautiful eyes and said "I didn't want him to fuck up that pretty face of yours." The guy gets up of the floor and looks at me "You are a fucking slut you know that." I shrugged my shoulders "Like I give a shit!" I responded. Then he looks at Eddie and said "Now I see why you married her, because she is a fucking skank that you picked up from the side of the road." That there pissed Eddie off. He balls up his fist and coclocks the man in the face, giving him a bloody nose.

  "Never talk about my wife like that. You're just mad because you can't get laid. I know the manager to this bar, so I will inform them about your ass and to make sure you never show your face around here." I grabbed Eddie's ass and said "Baby you are so fucking sexy when your angry. Now lets get drunk!" 3 hours and 2 beers and 5 shots later, I was drunk off my ass. Eddie on the other hand, couldn't drink that much, since he was the one driving. I was about get my sixth shot when Eddie says "Nope, that's enough for you sweetheart, lets get your ass home!" I gave him a pouty look and whined "Oh but baby, I am not finished. Please let me stay!" I hiccuped a little. Eddie shakes his head no amd lifts me up and over his shoulder, carried me out of the bar. We get to the van and he buckles me in.

  We drive home and I wanted to get out on my own. I opened up the door and stepped my foot out. A few momemts later, I fell onto the ground. I start laughing at my clumsy self. Eddie walks over towards me, shaking his head and said "That's why you shouldn't have drank that many shots, doll. Because now you are completely wasted." I laugh once again. And started to slur my words "Oh baby! I thought you liked it when I...I was...was dr...drunk! Becau...cause the sex good." I gave him a pouty lip. He laughs and I start to cry because he is laughing at me. "Wh...why are lau...laughing at me?"

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now