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                      ~Falling For You~

    I know that Eddie and I will always stay friends,nothing more. He is free to date whoever he wants. Yes,I get a bit jealous with the girls he dates because I know it will never be me. And that breaks my heart in two. One day, I was hanging out at Eddie's trailer. I was sitting criss cross on his bed. He says something to me that absolutely tore my insides out. "I have a date with Chrissy Cunningham tonight. I have a funny feeling that I might get lucky tonight!"

   What he said hurt. I got off of his bed,grabbed my backpack, and left his trailer. He stood there in the doorway, feeling quite confused. He had no idea how bad this was killing me. I walked all the way home with tears in my eyes. I was greeted by my father. "Hey, sweetheart. Is everything okay?" I stared at him with my eyes puffy and red. My dad doesn't even know that I have feelings for Eddie. I walked away and went to my room. I shut the door,threw my backpack on the floor, and plopped down on my bed. I'm burying my head into the pillow so I can scream on the top of my lungs. But in order for me to not think about this,I decided to write a song and sing it. That way, I can place it in his locker when he is occupied.

   It took me over two hours to write and sing the song. It was perfect. I put the tape I recorded on into my cassette player. It sounded perfect with the guitar I was using. I was happy with it. I rewinded the song back to the beginning and placed it in my backpack. Can't wait for him to listen to it. I went downstairs for dinner. My dad had made stuffed peppers, which were my fav. I thanked my dad for dinner and went to bed.

   My alarm went off at 6:45 the next morning. I was very anxious to get to school before he did. School starts at 8:30. So I left at 7:45. That way, I can shove the cassette tape into his locker. When I got to the school,Eddie's van wasn't there,thank goodness! I found his locker, and I opened it. Placed the tape inside where he could see it. I looked at my watch and it read 8:13am. Eddie should be getting here soon. I bolted to my locker and waited for him to get there.

   At 8:20,Eddie arrived,but he wasn't alone. Chrissy was hanging onto his arm. They both walk over to his locker. That's when my heart skipped a beat. He noticed the cassette tape with his name on it. He looks around to find out who had put it there. His eyes finally caught on to mine. He knows it was me. He stuffs the cassette tape into his pocket and slams his locker door shut. He quickly kisses Chrissy on her lips. Man,I wish that was me. I grabbed my books out of my locker and walked away. Not realizing that Eddie would be behind me. We both have 4 periods together,so he's gonna be talking my head off about how his night was with Chrissy.

    He runs up behind me and grabs my hand. I turn around to face him. He looks at me with angry eyes. He holds up the cassette tape and says, "What is this Y/n? You know I am with Chrissy now. Please explain to me what this is and why I should listen to it?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I have never heard him yell at me like that before. I looked at him and said "Just fucking listen to it okay. I have nothing to say to you." I snatched my hand away from his grip and walked away. I decided to skip school all together. I know I am goody two shoes and I don't do no wrong,but I just didn't want to be around Eddie at all today!

   *Eddie's POV*
    I feel like Y/n has an issue with my dating status. We both agreed to not date each other since we are friends. I just don't understand why she is acting the way she is. And with her putting a cassette tape in my locker with my name on it. She is telling me to listen to it. So I might as well listen to it. Which means I have to tell Chrissy I have plans with my uncle today and that she can't come over.

    I get home and go to my room to listen to the tape Y/n wrote for me. I placed the tape inside my cassette player. And the spund of her voice comes through. There was a piece of paper inside the case. I opened it and read it while the music played.

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now