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~How Come You Don't Talk To Me Anymore?~

    Eddie and I have been the best of friends since middle school. Technically, I was his inly friend at the time. We did a whole lot together. We'd go to the movies,the mall (his least fav place),we would hang out at Lover's Lake and have small talk. We would spend the night at each other's place and munch on junk food. We did everything together,right up until the 11th grade of high school. He has changed dramatically. His hair has grown,his attire is completely different, and he has tattoos on his arm and chest. He wears ripped black jeans,with a denim sleeveless vest with a leather black jacket.

    Him and I barely hang out anymore. He doesn't talk to me as much. I really don't know why. One day at school,I saw Eddie sitting at his original table during lunch. I walked by and said, "Hey,Eddie! How's it going?" Eddie just stared at me,not saying a thing. He just went back to laughing and talking with his friends. I really want the old Eddie back. But I know that's never gonna happen again.

   One day,I decided that I wanted to drop out of school. Because I have no friends. The only friend I did have was Eddie. And now we aren't friends anymore. So I went to the front office and spoke to principal Higgins about my decision. He wasn't too happy about it because I was one of his favorite students. I just don't want to face Eddie anymore. I took a piece of paper out of my Binder and wrote Eddie a heartfelt note and placed it inside of his locker. I looked back at all the students and walked out of the school. It wasn't the smartest idea I have ever made,but I didn't feel like being the only one without a friend.

   I got home, and my mother was sitting at the dining room table smoking a cigarette. She saw me and stood up. She says to me, "Principal Higgins called and told me what you did. He didn't explain why you did it. So can you tell me why you decided to drop out of school?" I sat down on the couch and sondid my mother. I looked at her and said, "The reason why I dropped out is because of Eddie. He has been ignoring me since we started the 11th grade. Mom,he has changed. He isn't the Eddie we used to know and love. We don't hang out like we used to. It's like we grew apart from each other. I don't even know what I did. So I thought that dropping out of school would solve the whole Eddie issue. I didn't want to stay at a school that no longer wanted me there."

   Tears rolled down my mother pulled me into a hug and said, "Oh sweetheart. You two used to be two peas in a pod. Wayne and I thought maybe someday you two would be more than just friends. But it looks like we were both wrong." I looked at my mom and said,"I felt like that too, mom. I really had feelings for Eddie. But I had no chance of revealing them to him. Since now we are no longer friends,I can't express my love towards him." My mom's heart had shattered because she knew I always liked Eddie. Now, I am not able to tell him how I feel.

   A few hours have gone by. I was in my room,listening to music,while reading a book. I hear a knock on the door. My mom was busy making dinner,so I went to go and open it. When I noticed that it was Eddie,I quickly shut the door in his face. I can hear him from the other side saying, "Well,that wasn't very nice!" I didn't really give a shit. I went to the kitchen, and my mother looked at me and said, "Who was at the door, sweetheart?" I said to her while getting some water from the sink "Oh it was absolutely nobody." I hear footsteps coming into the kitchen and a voice saying "Oh I am a nobody now!" I looked behind me, and of course, it was Eddie. My dumbass forgot to lock the damn door.

   I grabbed my cup of water and walked past him. nodding his shoulder hard as I walked by. I went to my room and slammed the door. I made sure I locked it before he decided to barge in without permission. After 15 minutes of being alone,I hear a knock on my bedroom door. Then I hear Eddie's voice saying, "Y/n,please let me in! You have been avoiding me like the plague. What is the deal? I would like to know." I was sitting on my bed,debating on if I should open my door for him or not. After 2 minutes of thinking,I decided to open the door. Once Eddie was in,I quickly sat down my bed. Eddie stares at me awkwardly. He is probably wondering what my deal is. So he asked, "How come you left school? Haven't seen you in the classes we are in together."

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now