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           ~Never Getting Back Together~

*Author's Note*

  This story is gonna be about Eddie's and Y/n's relationship. They were happy in the beginning, but something happened between the two of them. Their love for each other suddenly dissipated. They ignore each other at school, they stop talking to each other all together. They both are hurting, but there is no way of mending their broken hearts back together. So, to ease the pain of losing Y/n, Eddie smokes more than he should. He has also become an addict to drinking as well. Hope you like the story.

  *Y/N'S POV*

  Eddie and I had a love that everyone wished they had. We were always together, always hands-on. We dated from the 10th grade until the 12th grade.  The love we had slowly died. I feel like we were falling apart. And I don't know what the cause of it was. Just out of nowhere, in the school cafeteria, Eddie was sitting at the table with his buddies. I walked over, and Eddie slams his fists on the table and yells to where every student body can hear him. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO SIT HERE? THERE'S OTHER TABLES YOU CAN SIT AT. STOP HOVERING OVER ME!" His words hurt me. I don't know what caused him to yell at me like that. I stood in front of him with tears in my eyes. He noticed and said "Oh stop being such a baby. You are 18 years old, so start acting like one." What the fuck is going on here.

   Everyone was staring at me. I felt like a complete idiot. I looked back at him and screamed in his face "WE ARE SO FUCKING DONE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, MUNSON? I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYMORE!" I tossed my lunch tray at him and stormed out of the cafeteria. I was definitely the laughing stock of the school now, and it was all because of Eddie. I excused myself from school. Told the nurse that I was feeling a bit sick and wanted to go home and lie down. She gave me a note to leave school, and I headed out towards my car. I hear Eddie behind me saying my name, "Y/n....y/n! Can you please stop? I am sorry!" I picked up my pace and made it to my car. I got in and slammed my car door. I'm banging my fists on the steering wheel. I didn't want to speak to him. I needed air to breathe. I was suffocating. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw Eddie standing there. I put my key in the ignition and sped out of the parking lot. I didn't want anything to do with him.


    What have I done? I didn't mean to yell at her like that. Seeing her cry broke my heart. And when she told me that we were over, I was in complete shock. The relationship we had for 2 years was tossed out the window, and it was all because of me. I need to somehow try to get her to listen to me. And let me explain the reason why I did what I did. But watching her storm out of the cafeteria like that, making her feel embarrassed, made me realize what I did was completely out of hand. I followed her out to her car. I yelled her name multiple times and she just kept walking at a fast pace, basically almost running towards her car. She gets in and slammed her door. I saw her banging her fists against the steering wheel. I fucked up big time.  When she sped off out of the parking lot, I stood there watching her leave. I am not a crier, but tears were falling down my face as I watched her leave. Breaking up is the hardest thing for me to do.

  Going to school every day, watch her as she walks past me. She holds her books near her chest, and her head hangs low. Just to avoid me. I wouldn't blame her because I was the one who broke her heart for some stupid idiotic thing that I thought she did. I accused her of cheating, when clearly she doesn't do that. So I broke up with her like a stupid dumb ass. She did mean everything to me. And being away from her, makes me feel like a total loser. I want her back so damn bad, but I know that it is not gonna happen.

  I went to school, and I saw her hanging with her friends by her locker. She was wearing a short black skirt, with knee-high socks, a button-down white shirt, with a metallica tank top underneath. She looked so damn hot. But I fucked up and there is no damn way of getting her back. Man, I miss her so fucking much. I walked past her and of course, my wandering eyes had to keep staring. She had noticed that I was staring and she quickly turned and walked away in the opposite direction. I felt bad for what I did. And I know that she will never forgive me.

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now