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              ~Could She Be The One~

*Author's Note*

This story is about Eddie's point of view. He falls in love with a mysterious girl. But he didn't know that this mysterious girl was Dustin's older sister, who came back from boarding school. But Eddie eventually will find out who she is towards the middle or the end of the story. Hope you like it!


  Eddie's POV

    I was standing by my van, smoking a cigarette, before the first bell rang. I heard laughter, so I turned my head and saw a group of three girls. I knew two of them, which were Chrissy and Heather. But the other girl, I had no clue who she was. She was beautiful, absolutely a sight for sore eyes. She had long, dirty blonde hair that was put into a high ponytail. She was wearing a cheer uniform just like the other girls. She had legs for days. Her laugh is very contagious. I want to know who she is, because there is something about her, that is driving me fucking insane.

   The bell had rung for first period class. I had chemistry first, one of many classes that I am failing in. I take a seat towards the back of the class. I looked to my right and noticed...her! She was in my first period class. God, she is stunning. I want to know her name! She takes a seat 3 desks in front of me, right next to Chrissy. God, the view of her from behind is so damn breathtaking. I can hear her and Chrissy talking about some cheer practice for the championship game that's coming up. Just the sound of her voice is turning me on. "Who the fuck is she?" I kept thinking to myself.

   I watched how concentrated she was on the school work. Maybe she is a nerd, but a hot nerd. The bell rang for the end of the class. I watch as she gets up. A bit of her skirt rises up and I ended up getting a view of her ass cheeks. She walks out of the classroom and heads towards her locker, where she gets her books for her next class. The way she stands up on her tippy toes to reach for the higher stuff on the shelf of the locker, her ass cheeks showed again. I couldn't help but to stare. She was perfect in every way. I want to take her into the bathroom, bend her over and fuck her from behind. But I can't do that.

  I felt my dick twitch. I looked down and noticed that I had a hard on. I quickly ran to the bathroom, to relieve myself. I pulled my pants down and started stroking my cock up and down. My tip was red from being so full. I moved my hand up and down, pretending the mystery girl was stroking me off. I pumped my cock faster and faster. Releasing into my hand. Holy shit, that felt so damn good. I pulled my pants up and went and watched my hands. I walked out of the bathroom and luckily she wasn't there. She might already be in her next class.

   I went to class and I noticed that she was in this class too. If she is in most of my classes, then why don't I know her name. But towards the end of the day, I will. She sat right next to me on the right. 15 minutes into an into our lesson, I felt a tap on my right arm. I knew it was her. I turned my head and she was looking into my eyes, I didn't realize how blue her eyes were. I might have been in a trance because she tapped my arm again. "Uhm, excuse me... do you, by any chance, an extra pencil I can borrow? The tip on my broke off." Her damn voice is driving me crazy. I smiled at her and said, "Yea, I have an extra pencil. Just let me get it out of my bag." I reached into my bag and pulled out a pencil and handed it to her. Her fingers brushed against my knuckles. Her touch was so soft. She took the pencil and smiled. "Thank you so much. You're so sweet!" I nodded my head and went back to my lesson.

  A smile formed across my face. The bell rang for lunch. She handed me back the pencil I gave her. I looked at her and said, "You can keep it. You might need it for the rest of your classes." She gives me that sweet, innocent smile, and said."Thank you so much. Never expected someone like you to be so sweet and kind." I look at her and said "Not a problem, sweetheart. And thanks for the compliment. No one ever says that to me." She cocks her head to the side with confusion. "What do you mean?" I gave her a smirk and said "Well everyone at this school calls me the freak of Hawkins. And they say I am loner. They all think that I do some satanic ritual type of shit. Which, of course, I don't. I am just a Dungeon Master of The Hellfire Club, where we play a game called DnD." She looks at me and says "Oh I have heard of DnD before. My younger brother and his friends play it all the time. I think it's a pretty cool game. And don't believe a word those jerks say about you. Because to me, you are not a freak. You are just a handsome man who tries to be himself."

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now