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          ~Why Do I Have To Choose?~

  I am in love with two men. Steve Harrington, who is currently my boyfriend and Eddie Munson, my best friend since the 6th grade. While Steve and I were having sex one night, I accidentally said Eddie's name instead of Steve's. Steve stopped right before I even had my second orgasm. He stares at me, confused. "Babe, why did you say Eddie's name?" I stared right back at him, I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out what to say. Then finally I said, "I meant to say Stevie. I never meant to say Eddie's name." Steve didn't believe me. He quickly gets off the bed and walks towards the bathroom, and slams the door. I should have kept my big mouth shut. But I had to open it, to ruin everything. When I go to school tomorrow, it's gonna be extremely awkward.

   After the little spit spat between Steve and I, he decides to leave the house. I tried to explain the best that I could, but he just didn't believe a damn word I said. I laid back down on my bed and dialed Eddie's number. He answers on the second ring. "Hello, this is Eddie!" I smiled because I loved the sound of his voice on the other end. Yes, I find Eddie very attractive and so damn sexy. I spoke up and said, "Eddie, it's Y/n!" I can sense Eddie was smiling at the other end of the phone. He clears his voice and says, "Hey sweet girl. You sound a bit, disappointed, and upset. Everything okay?" I stayed quiet for a moment, then said,"Nope, everything isn't okay, Eds. Steve stormed out of my house, pissed off at me." Eddie responds by saying,"What happened? Why did he leave the way he did?" I didn't know how to explain why he left. It will be weird if I say that I said his name while Steve and I had sex. Maybe I should be truthful and honest with Eddie. Because he is my friend and clearly we tell each other everything.

  So I said, "Well, uhhh! I accidentally..." I cleared my voice before I continued. "Said your name while him and I were having sex!" There was silence at the other end. "Eddie, you there? Please say something!" I was eager to know what his response is gonna be. Finally, after a few moments of silence. Eddie clears his throat again and says, "You...said my name while having sex with Steve! Very interesting!" He starts to laugh. Then continues, "What did Stevie boy have to say to that?" I didn't know what to do. I was a tad embarrassed. "I tried to come up with a lie and an excuse, but he didn't believe me. So he got dressed and stormed out of here like he has nothing to do with me. I am a complete fool. I really don't know what to do now, Eds." Eddie cones out and says "Well that is a situation that has to be taken care of by the couple. If you can't fix what you have caused, then Steve will not forgive you, ever." I interrupted him."But what if he breaks up with me? I don't want him to break up with me! I won't have anyone to run to if I need someone to talk to." Eddie quickly says,"Hey, hey, hey. Steve's not gonna break up with you, okay. Now stop overreacting. I am on my way over to calm you down. I know exactly what you need!" He hangs up the phone, and so did I. I plopped back down on my pillow and lay there in silence. I feel quite disgusted with myself.

  20 minutes later, I hear a knock on my window. I know it's Eddie, so I shouted, "The window's open!" Eddie opens up the window and climbs in. He walks towards me and sits down on the bed.  He stares at me and says, "You need to stop assuming things, baby girl. If Steve loves you like he says he does, he would forgive you. If he doesn't, then he is quite the fool." I smiled at Eddie. I looked deeply into his beautiful brown eyes and said, "Eds, there is something that I have been dying to tell you for many years. But I haven't gotten around to saying it." I pkaced my hand on his leg and started tracing my fingers up and down his thigh. He watches my every move. He smiles and says, "I know what you are about to say. Because I feel the same way about you to. And these feelings aren't new. I have had these feelings for you for a while now. I was always jealous when I saw you and Steve in holding hands in the hallway, kissing by your locker, his hand upon your ass. I want that, too. I need you like you need me. We need each other, Y/n. We are soulmates, and we belong together." I quickly straddled Eddie's lap. Wrapped my arms around his neck and started nibbling his ear. I then moved my lips down his jawline, right to the lips I have been craving for. I lick his bottom lip, and he opens his lips for my tongue to access. The kiss started off slow, but then it got deeper and more intense.

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now