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Eddie and I are best friends. He is quite jealous of me having Steve Harrington as my boyfriend. I know Eddie likes me, and he just doesn't want to admit it. One day, we were both hanging out at his trailer, I was sprawled out on his bed with my legs on top of his. Smoking a little weed, getting high a bit. Eddie, without thinking, placed his hands upon my bare thigh and runs it up to my pussy. I watched as he did this, not saying a word, because for some odd reason, I was actually enjoying his touch.

I know this is technically cheating, but it's not cheating if Steve doesn't find out. I let Eddie slide his hand into my panties. I felt his fingers slowly rub my clit. My body twitches at the touch. Eddie looks over at me and watches my facial expressions. He knew that I was enjoying his touch. So he kept doing it. He shoves his middle finger deep inside of me, hitting my g-spot. He takes his thumb and continues to rub on my clit. My breathing was high-pitched, sweat dripping from off my skin. I looked deep into Eddie's eyes. And he looked into mine, and without reason, our lips collided with one another. Our tongues are going a mile a minute.

Eddie keeps rubbing my clit at a fast pace. But out of nowhere, he moved his hand away when I was on the verge of an orgasm. I stared at him with my bright bluish-green eyes and said, "Why'd you stop, baby? I was almost there!" He keeps staring and said,"We shouldn't be doing this. You and I are just friends. You're dating Steve for fuck sake." I grabbed Eddie's face and said "Eds, I really don't care about Steve at the moment. Because I caught his ass cheating on me with some girl named Daisy. So are we gonna do this or what? If not, I will be more than happy to walk out of here and not speak to you again." And with that being said, Eddie gets in between my legs and pulls my panties off, leaving my skirt on. He looks at me and says "I like fucking girls with their skirts still on. It's a fetish of mine!" Yes, I know that Eddie has had sex more than I have with Steve, so he is quite experienced in this sorta thing. He places small wet kisses on my inner thighs. Making my body shiver. He finally places kisses on my soaked pussy and he starts to moan. "Damn baby girl, you taste so damn sweet. Can't wait to this pussy gushing everywhere!"

He starts sucking away on my clit, shoving not one, not two, but three damn fingers inside of me. Pumping them in and out at a fast pace. My body arched off the bed. Eddie looks up at me while he is devouring my sensitive pussy. This felt wrong, but it felt so damn right at the same time. Feeling my friends mouth tasting my pussy, was like a dream coming true. I have had a crush on Eddie since the 9th grade, but we decided to be only friends. So I would go and date guys, and he would date girls. Yeah, I would get pretty jealous when I see him another girl almost every month. But this is what we both wanted. Now after 4 years of friendship, he is laying in between my legs, tasting how sweet my pussy is. I love Steve and all, but he doesn't go all out with me. Sex with Steve can be a bit....boring. But having sex with Eddie is far from boring.

It feels amazing and heavenly. He makes my body tingle in all the right places. Eddie keeps sucking away on my clit, and pumping his fingers in and out of my entrance. I run my fingers through his hair, gripping it tightly as I hit my peak. He wasn't wrong, he did get my pussy gushing and it felt so damn good. Eddie climbs on top of me and says, "Your shirt and bra need to come off, princess." I sit up and start taking off my shirt and bra. Once they were both off, I laid back down on his bed. He takes both of his hands and places them on my breasts. He smiles at me and says, "You have the prettiest set of tits I have ever seen. They are absolutely perfect!" He brings his mouth down and wraps his lips around my nipple. I felt sensational feeling coursing through my body and that's when my pussy started aching and throbbing. I can feel the moister of myself every time I move my legs. Eddie smiles and said "What's the matter, baby girl? You keep moving your legs around too much!"

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now