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           ~Your Sex Drives Me Crazy!~

    I am in massive love with Eddie Munson. But the problem is,I am dating Billy Hargrove. How can I be in love with two men? It's pretty obvious. They both have long hair, and they are absolutely sexy. I just wish I could have both men take over me. I do eye fuck Eddie from afar. And Billy hasn't noticed up until now. I was in the cafeteria,sitting at mine and Billy's table. Eddie was sitting 2 tables down from ours. I placed my chin in the palm of my hand and started eye balling him. I also wanted him to take those long fingers of his and give me something that I have been craving for him to do. I mean,I have sex dreams about him. And these felt so realistic. Because I would wake up with dripping in sweat. I would sometimes give myself orgasms and pretending it's Eddie giving me one. I just can't help it,he is so damn fine.

   Anyways, Billy noticed what I was doing. He looked over and noticed that I was staring at Eddie and that Eddie was staring back at me. Billy snaps his fingers in front of my face, getting out of my trance. Once I was pulled from it, I looked at Billy who had a pissed off look on his face. He gets up and grabs my hand and drags me out of the cafeteria. Eyes were watching as we were leaving.

  Billy pins me up against the locker, brings his hand up and smacks me across the face. Then he yells at me "Why the fuck were staring at Munson for? Uhh!!!! Fucking answer me you bitch!" I looked at him and started crying "Why are you crying for? There is no damn reason why you should be crying. All I did was ask a fucking question. Now answer it or you are gonna get it when we get home." I tried to speak, bit my mouth couldn't form any words. Tears still falling from my eyes. I looked to my left and noticed that Eddie was standing in the doorway of the cafeteria. I wonder if he saw Billy smack me. Billy looks to his left and saw that Eddie was standing there. So Billy did something unexpected. He grabs a fist full of my hair and drags me out of the school. The whole school comes running out to see what Billy was gonna do.

  Billy tosses me against the brick wall, then pins me there. And then he says "What is about the freak that keeps you staring at him? Do you wanna fuck him or something? Answer me,you fucking slut!" Billy slams his hand across my cheek again,but this time it was harder. I slide down to the ground,holding my face. From the corner of my eye,I saw Eddie come running up behind Billy. He grabs a hold of Billy's denim jacket and tosses him to the ground. He stands over him and says "You think you're a badass for beating a woman in front of everyone? You ain't no goddamn man if you honestly think that!" Eddie was furious, he was pissed off for what Billy had done to me. Eddie calls over one of his buddies from the Hellfire Club to keep Billy from getting off the ground. He comes walking over to me and lifts my chin up and noticed that I was bleeding from a gash that was on my cheek. It was pretty deep. Eddie runs his thumb over it,which sends chills down my spine. Do you know how long I have been waiting to feel this man's touch? I felt like I have died and gone to Heaven.

    "You might need a few stitches,sweetheart. If you like,I can take you to the hospital to get it looked at." I smiled at him and said "Yeah,that'd be great. Thank you for saving me,I was scared that he was gonna take it too far." Eddie smiles at me and says "Anything for a princess that needs a prince charming to save her." I placed a kiss on lips. But I quickly pulled away when I realized what I just did. I looked at him and said "I am so sorry. I...I never meant for that to happen." Eddie laughs it off and said "Hey,I didn't mind it. So there's no need to apologize. I kinda liked it." I looked down at the ground with a blushed look on my face. Eddie stands up and gives me his hand. "Now lets take you to get that cut checked out." I nodded and he led me towards his van. Before we got there,he stops by Billy, he looks at me and says "Do you have anything to say to him sweetheart?" I got on my knees and looked at Billy who was still lying on the ground and said "I think it's time for me to end this relationship. I hate being tormented by you every single day over something so fucking stupid. Today was one of the worst. So fuck you and have a terrible life without me." I linked my fingers with Eddie and followed him to his van.

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now