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          ~I Am So Addicted To You!~

      I have been hanging out with Corroded Coffin for a few years now. I am their tour manager. But the thing is,I have a major crush on their guitarist/singer, Eddie Munson. But since I managed their band,we can't date. Strict no dating policy. Which sucks,but we have to follow them. I get seriously jealous when Eddie brings back girls. And I hate listening to them have sex. I keep thinking that I wish it was me. The moaning and the screaming these girls do means Eddie is really good in bed.

  Eddie had one girl over,her name is Jessica. Very beautiful. She was a dirty blonde with dark blue eyes. She had the perfect body that Eddie drooled over every time he saw her. It was starting to make me sick to my stomach whenever those two were hands on each other. I would actually catch Eddie slipping his hand up her skirt. My legs would twich every single time. Because I wish it was my pussy that he was going after. While Eddie was fingering the girl while I was sitting there. He noticed that I couldn't keep my eyes off of his hand. He knew that I liked it. He removes his fingers from her pussy and puts them in his mouth. He is just trying to piss me off.

   But what he did next,truly pissed me off. He got down on his knees and started to place kisses on her inner thigh. He was gonna tongue her in front of me. I grabbed my purse and car keys and walked out of the hotel room. Gareth saw me leaving and asked me where I was going. So I said something that probably upset him "I quit! I can't stand being around Eddie. Ever since I became ya'lls tour manager,I was having feelings for him. But with him bringing back girls and fucking them in front of me or listening to them moan everytime he rails himself into them. Just before I left,Eddie was fingering Jessica while I was sitting there. Then he put his fingers in his mouth and moaned. But what really pissed me off was when he got down on his knees and started kissing her inner thighs. I just couldn't take it much longer. So I hope you find a new tour manager to help you guys out,because I no longer want to do this."

   Gareth looks into my eyes and said "Y/n,if you want to quit,then quit.  I don't think it would be that easy to replace you. Because you are one of a kind. We all love you. You have done a lot for the four of us. Yes,I have noticed that Eddie has been a complete dick towards you and breaking your heart by bringing skanks back home. So I don't blame you sweetheart. Now give me a hug before you leave." I gave Gareth a hug,I noticed that Eddie was standing by the door. I wonder how long he has been standing there. After the hug,I looked at Gareth and said "I am pretty sure you guys will find a replacement. You guys are talented enough to find one. So good luck to all of you. Love you all,except for Eddie." He kisses my forehead and I left the hotel.

    I got in my car that the valet brought to me and I drove away. Feeling no regret or remorse. I had feelings for Eddie,and now he will never know. Unless Gareth tells him.

   *Eddie's POV *

    I saw that Y/n had left the room with her purse. I overheard the conversation between her and Gareth. She has feelings for me,but she was able to express them since there is a no dating policy. When I heard her say that it will be easy for us to find a replacement,I knew she had quit. I feel totally stupid. Why haven't I opened my eyes and realize that the girl for me,was actually Y/n. And with me bringing those girls back,I was just trying to make her jealous. Not realizing that it had broken her apart. I feel so terrible.

   I walked over to Gareth and said "What did she say,man?" Gareth turns around to face me. He shakes his head and said "You are a fucking idiot,man! She had major feelings for you,let alone a huge crush. And with you bringing home skanks after every damn concert and fucking them while she is there,is just so fucking wrong and stupid. I don't blame her for quitting. She deserves to be happy. Seeing her cry like that tore me apart. I loved that woman like she was my sister. And you go and break her heart. If you can't understand what love actually is,then go ahead and bring home more sluts. Because Y/n showed us all love. She cared for all of us,she has done everything and anything in her power to make us happy. She will go out of her damn way and buy us coffee and food. She believed in us when nobody else did. You are just so damn blind to realize that for the past 3 years she has been eye fucking you from afar. Even if you apologize to her for what you have done,isn't gonna bring her back to us. We are screwed. We can't find a replacement, because no one will ever be as kind or generous like she was. You are just so stupid,man!"

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now