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~What Is Your Name Sweetheart?~
*Second Part*

Ever since Halloween of 1986,Eddie and I have become close. I mean, real close. We have been hands on each other constantly. Every time we see each other,we can't help but do a lot of PDA. We didn't care who was watching. We both adored one another. I loved him, and he loved me. He was the best thing that ever walked into my life. My father told me before he passed away that with my looks and how I act,I will never find love. But I proved him wrong. Because I found love 5 years after he passed. And I couldn't be happier.

Eddie has finally met my mother and sister. I am shocked that they both like him,which is awesome for me. It is now Spring of '87,Eddie has told me that he has a huge surprise for me. All of his surprises for me are sweet and thoughtful. But he said this time,he went above and beyond for me. I wonder how important this surprise was. Just have to wait and see.

Eddie surprised my family and even myself to a little road trip to his favorite place on Earth. We all gathered in his van and drove to a place outside of Hawkins. We got there, and we pitched our tents by the lake. It was absolutely beautiful. I sat on a bench that was overlooking the lake. I must have been in a daze or something because I didn't realize that Eddie sat down next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and said, "Babe,this is absolutely stunning. What do you think of the view?" I didn't know he was looking at me while I was still staring at the beautiful view. He comes out and says, "Yeah,it's truly a sight for sore eyes. And it couldn't get even more beautiful."

He stands up and lends me hand. I take it, and he leads me to where my mom and sister were. He has me sit back down at the picnic table. He gets down on one knee and takes my hand in his. My mother and sister were standing behind him. I looked down at him and said "Eddie what are you doing?" Eddie smiles, and he starts to speak."Y/n,ever since Halloween of last year when Steve introduced you to me,I have had major feelings for you. It may have started off a little awkward, but towards the end,it becomes less awkward. I never expected a beautiful,sweet, and kind-hearted woman to ever fall in love with a freak like me. But you made me realize that I am someone who can actually be loved. You cared for me and helped me realize that there was actually hope for me. From the words 'What is your name sweetheart?' to what I am about to ask you right now. So, Y/n L/n, will you do the honors of taking my last name. I want to marry into a family that truly cares for me. So will you marry me?" Eddie holds out a satin black box with a beautiful princess cut diamond engagement ring. I got down on my knees in front of him,wrapped my arms around his neck, and said, "Of course I will take your last name, Munson. I will be honored to marry someone who actually cares about me. I love you so much!" Eddie took my left hand and placed the ring on my finger. We are getting married, and I am truly happy.

I kissed his lips,with my fingers gliding through his curls. I can hear my mom and sister cheering with excitement. They both came over to us and pulled us into a group hug. My mom looks at Eddie and says, "Welcome to the family, dear. Seeing you and my daughter together always puts a smile on my face. You two are meant for one another. Thank you for making my daughter happy." She pulls him into a hug once more. My sister looked at him and said, "I can't wait to officially call you my brother. Thank you for being part of my sister's life. Ever since our dad passed,she lost the only man who ever loved her. But ever since you came into her life,you have brought back her smile that she lost 5 years ago. So thank you, big brother!" She wraps her arms around him, and he hugs her back. Tears roll down my face. Eddie pulled me into the hug that he was sharing with my sister. I tuck my head into the crook of his neck. I am so extremely blessed to have him part of my life.

*Time Skip*

It has been a year since Eddie proposed to me. It is now our wedding day. I haven't seen him in 24 hours since we had to get prepared for the wedding. We both agreed to a traditional wedding. But the flowers had to be red. I couldn't wait to see Eddie in a suit and tie. It will probably be the last time he gets dressed up. I slip on my wedding gown. That was white and shimmery. It went all the way to the floor. The train was the length of my dress and I wore a tiara on my head which the train and the veil were attached to. Since my father isn't here for my special moment,I decided to ask Wayne if he could walk me down the aisle. He agreed to do it. He was very honored. Eddie had no clue that I had asked Wayne. It will be a complete surprise for him.

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