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           ~A Maiden In Need Of Love~

*Author's Note*
It's still gonna be about Eddie and Y/n. One of my readers requested this type of story. So, it will not be based in the 1980s, but in the mid century 1800s. It might not be very good, but I am trying!

  It is October 10, 1837, I was walking around my little town in Corydon, Indiana. I was on my way to work as a laundress. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I bumped into something or someone. I looked up, and my eyes were glued onto a good-looking brown eyed and brown haired man. I looked him up and down, just checking him. He looked at me and the clothing I was wearing. I may not have been rich, but I had decent clothes. I have lived with my grandparents since my parents died in a when I was 10 years old. I am now 18. I looked at the boy and said, "I am so sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't paying attention." He smiled at me and said,"It's okay, darling. There is no need to apologize. May I ask what your name is." I blushed slightly and said,"My name is Y/n Denbrook. And what may your name be, sir?" He looked me up and down  again and said,"My name's Eddie Munson. Are you from around here?"

  I shook my head no. So I told him where I am actually from. "I  am actually from Vincennes, Indiana. Once my parents died in a fire, when I was 10, my grandparents adopted me. So I have only been here for 8 years. I just turned 18 last month." Eddie stares at me and says,"Do you have a man that claims you?" I looked at the ground and then back up at him and said,"Nope! I got no man in my life. Why'd you ask?" He smiles once more and said,"Because a beautiful, kind maiden like yourself should have a man in her life. So you are a maiden looking for love!" I didn't know what to say to that. I put my hand out for him to take. So he took it and said, "You truly are beautiful, darling." I blushed. Then I realized that I was gonna be late for work. "Well, Mr. Munson, it was really nice chatting with you, but I best be going. Have to get to work on time." I curtsied and headed to my job. I was smiling from ear to ear.

  *Eddie's pov*

    Ms. Denbrook is so stunning. She had such a beautiful personality. I just want to show her how much I like her. I have seen her around a few times, and yes, I have been checking her out without her even noticing. Her figure is quite physique. The way her hips move when she walks turns me on. She is so in need of a good love. And I am gonna be the one to give it to her. I know she is only 18 years old, and I know I am 21 years old. But age is just a number. I am seriously, truly and madly in love with her. Y/n Denbrook will soon be mine. And I will make her know that.

   I followed behind her when she was heading towards her work space. Fuck, the way she moves, is making my cock hard. Now what am I gonna do? I just can't hide it. Once she was inside, I went behind a building, where nobody goes and I started to jack myself off. I had to release my cum somehow. I kept thinking about her while my hand was pumping my cock. Once I hit my release all over my hand, I felt so much better. I wiped my hand off on my trousers and went back home and waited until she got off. I went to her job, 30 minutes before she got off. I wanted to make sure, I greeted her. I found a flower shop and bought her a dozen of lillies. Once I saw her, my heart sank. He golden blonde hair, floating down her back perfectly. She is just pure heavenly. And I want her to be mine. I walk over to her and I startled her a little bit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Anyways, I got these for you!" I hamded her the flowers and she takes them gracefully. She smiles them and says "They smell delightlful. Thank you so much. You are way too kind Mr. Munson!" She is just perfect. I kicked a stone that was by my foot and said "Do you maybe want to hang out at my place? If not, then that's fine. Because a maiden like yourself, wouldn't want to hang out with a slig like myself." With my surprise, she smiles that beautiful smile my way and said "It would be lovely to hang out with you tonight Mr. Munson. Just let me go and check in with my grandparents. Don't need them having a panic attack and worrying about my where abouts. So kind sir, do you want to walk with me to my home?" I looked down and noticed that she has her hand out. She wants me to take it. So I did and walked her safely to her home.

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